Starting to feel normal again

1 minute read time.

This time last year I was just preparing for my second op - it was needed to acheive a wide margin and to hopefully close the gap in my wound which had been leaking serous fluid since my first op a month before.  I was also trying to get my head around the need for chemo and radio as follow in treatments.  I really had no idea what the journey ahead would be like.  There were lots of silent tears in bed at night and in the morning....

But here I am....  almost 14 months after diagnosis and whilst I'm still taking painkillers, I have another 10 Herceptin treatments to go (and muga scans of course) and 5 - 10 years of tamoxifen ahead.... I am starting to feel normal again. 

My finger and toe nails have almost all grown back (two still need some time before they will look normal).  My hair is extremely short but still seems to be growing.  Chemo brain has almost left me and my energy seems to be returning slowly but surely (except for the day after the Herceptin treatment). 

I am starting to crack on with my dissertation (which despite several attempts was largely put aside for the last 9 months) and I've started looking for work (as savings are running low).

To top it all - a mamogram that I had a few weeks ago (the first since my diagnosis) came back with no evidence of cancer.  Woohoo!!!!

Life is good.... or at least I feel like it is going to be good again. 

Noj x



  • FormerMember

    Hi live your life and enjoy every damn minute, but remember to take it easy at times, you may find you still get a little tired, listen to you body. Great news with the mammogram love. You take Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Good news on the mammogram. It is good to hear that life does start to return to normal. All the best in finding a job hope you don't have to look for very long. Good luck with the dissertation, don't tax your brain too much.

    All the best and enjoy the future you deserve it

    Love and Hugs Amanda xx