Oncologist Update and session 5 (tax 2)

4 minute read time.
Hello all, Here is my regular 3 weekly update. I had my meeting with the oncologist last Friday to discuss the next stage of my treatment. Fact sheets included below if you are interested. I should be getting an invite to plan my Radiotherapy some time over the next 2 weeks. My understanding from others is that it involves being wrapped in cling film and getting tattoos....! well - whatever turns you on I guess! I also enquired about the radio treatment duration because I've heard you can have a higher dose over a shorter period which doesn't sound good from a side effect perspective but I'm told that two large international studies have shown no adverse effect. So... being the brave soul I am I opted for the shorter version (read - one who likes to take the easier version!) so I should be having 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks which as it is a daily visit will be much more manageable. The other good news is that providing the visit goes to plan, I should start Radio 3 weeks after the last chemo which is a little sooner than I expected so I'm very happy with that. There are as ever some side effects. Apparently I'm lucky that my right hand side is being treated as it means my heart is unlikely to be zapped. My right lung and ribs will not be so lucky. They say the lung damage may be reversible but that the rib damage and subsequent pain may be with me forever but hopefully will become tolerable over time. http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Treatments/Radiotherapy/Sideeffects/General At the end of the last chemo I will be starting my course of tamoxifen tablets. These will be daily for at least the next 5 years. There is some recent evidence to suggest there may be benefit to taking this for 10 years so this may be a possibility... but I guess we will review the latest data in 5 years time and make the decision then as the side effects may outweigh the benefits. http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Treatments/Hormonaltherapies/Individualhormonaltherapies/Tamoxifen Finally, my Herceptin treatment is also being lined up and can also start as soon as chemo finishes but I was given no clearer indication of start date than that. He did seem confident that it will start before Christmas which is great news as it will keep me on track for being free of frequent hospital visits by Christmas 2010. Herceptin may cause heart damage and so my heart will be monitored quarterly during the treatment. http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Cancertype/Breast/Treatment/Herceptin We then talked about the side effects I had from the Taxotere and all were normal - unpleasant and nothing he could do to help although he did suggest a mouthwash that might offer me some additional relief so I'll try to get that tomorrow. The big painkillers I got last time helped quite a lot but are contraindicated with the anti nausea tablets I have to take so I'll be on Ibuprofen for the nausea tab days and then onto the big ones when the major pain kicks in so I'm hoping the next 3 weeks will be better than the last. My fingernails seem to be suffering with sign they may either split or lift off the nail bed completely so I'll be looking for hints and tips on how to avoid that! For once my appointments actually ran to schedule and so I left before my blood results were ready. Because it was the bank holiday weekend I got an extra day of feeling ok and my treatment was scheduled for today (Tuesday) instead of the usual Monday. It turns out my blood results were good and so all went ahead without a hitch and once again the boys went off to practice their bowling skills with some signs of improvement at the end. I have my next appointment with my surgeon on the 15th September for a check up. I'm not sure if that means another mammogram or not but whatever it is, it is happening before radio starts which is a good thing due to the pain radio could cause thus making any kind of examination somewhat unpleasant. Slightly further out on the horizon... my Mother has decided to visit on the 22nd of this month! As you can imagine this will be an interesting time as I have not yet told her about all of this! If I lose my nails and if my eyebrows finally give up on me then I guess we will be having that 'caring sharing mother daughter chat' at long last. The good news I guess will be that the chemo and so hopefully the worst of it (from most people's perspectives) will be over and so hopefully she won't freak out too much! She has timed her visit to be close to youngest son's birthday (I had to make it the day after as I'll be having my last chemo on the 21st and would not be in a position to collect her from the airport that day) and Bren and my 19th wedding anniversary.... and I couldn't really tell her that I'm going to be ill that day... so we'll see how I handle that one! Whilst it is always lovely to see her... this visit just might be tricky! Finally my dissertation is going very slowly and a mahooosive kick up the arse is required so I will be trying to do that over the next few days - especially as I know my health over the next 2 - 3 weeks will be a bit touch and go! All help will be gratefully received. I hope to be approaching people to answer queationnaires soon - please watch this space! So..must crack on.... TTFN Lots of love as always, Noj x
  • Had radiotherapy last year on left side. Had tattoos but not cling film!!!! Are you having a body wrap too.lol

    Have pain in my ribs from time to time as did others receiving the same radiotherapy as me.

    Pain is manageable with paracetamol when required.

    I had 13 sessions over 5 weeks and 3 blasts which were over in seconds.

    Got very sore under my arms in the latter stages but the aqueous cream they give you helps.

    The effects get worse after the treatment is finished for a few weeks but then improves.

    All the best. A stroll in the park compared to chemo.


    Sue x x

  • FormerMember

    The more info I have, the better I feel.  The radiologist that talked me through my treatment sounded quite nervous about telling me what to expect so I was hoping some folk with experience would share!

    Thanks again.

    Noj x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Noj, I didn't find the radiotherapy too much of an ordeal.  I did suffer some burns, but the actual treatment is no problem.  I agree with Sue, it is a walk in the park compared to chemo and I didn't find that too much of a problem either.  No clingfilm for me either.  I am sure it will all go well for you.  Best wishes to you, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Noj

    I am due to see the radio doctor on my next chemo on the 9th I was told by my oncologist that it was an 8 week gap between my last chemo and the start of radio - perfect timing for me for December!  I hope mine starts earlier, and I am going to enquire about the short version!  I have two more sessions of chemo and apparently 15 sessions of radio over three weeks so if I can reduce this I will give it a go - like you hoping for the easier option.

    I also have an appointment with the clinic for a mamogram or check up of some kind on the 15th September  - fingers crossed for both of us!  

    Good luck with the visit and enjoy your anniversary.

    Keep us posted as its so interesting to hear frm other people's experience

    Fiona x