Day 5 Tax

1 minute read time.
Well.... this has been an interesting 5 days. Treatment day was a breeze and finished with me feeling quite energetic. This wasn’t just ‘not feeling tired,’ it was spontaneous motivation to scrub the bathroom. Given that I am no domestic goddess, this was as welcome as it was a surprise! Day 2 followed in a similar vein with lots of housework getting done (this time focussed in the kitchen). It felt great – I realised that had forgotten what normal felt like. I felt that I had started to flag on Day 3 – with just a small burst of wall washing achieved, which was a little disappointing. Day 4 was a different kettle of fish entirely. I woke with a strange feeling in mouth – as if my tongue was too big and my teeth had developed sharp edges. My joints – ankles, elbows, hips – you name it – started to hurt even when sat at rest. As the day progressed it hurt to walk (sore heels) and by lunchtime I discovered my sense of taste had altered. Everything tasted sweet – or so it seemed. I tested this by eating a pickled onion and found it tasted milder than a Golden Delicious apple! Nothing tastes good at all. By the evening time everything hurt and I was glad to take to my bed with a couple of painkillers inside me. I woke several times during the night to go for a wee... so at least the fluid retention is under control but getting up from bed (just the 4 times!) helped me to discover that every muscle had now joined in and it hurt to lie down as well as move. This morning the pain continues... for example I tried to split the blister packaging on the painkillers with my thumb nail to release it without crushing the tablet and found it too painful to complete – so even my nails hurt! Aaaarrghh. I’m far from impressed! However.... today is day 5 – the first day of the Ciprofloxacin tablets. I’m hoping that they will make everything feel better so that the last 24 hours becomes a minor blip. It doesn’t feel minor at the moment but I’m hoping I’ll be able to dismiss it to that extent with time.... I’m hoping that things can only get better! I’ll update you as things change. Noj x