Still waiting

Less than one minute read time.

We will have the results by the end of week

I will write to you

Could you ring - give mob phone number - as we are worried


Friday - no phone call - no results.

Ring hospital - oh you need this department I'll put you through - no answer - of course it's Friday afternoon no one is there!!!

Mind goes into what if ... overdrive.......

Saw GP this morning - they don't have results and nothing has come in the mail so i guess I have to wait.

Have pre op on Monday - hope they know by then as I am due to have a fibroid removed the following Monday - no point taking that out if the whole lot has to come out! 

Oh well I suppose no news is good news - as GP said if it was urgent they would have rung. So I wait - may need a little retail therapy later.xx

  • FormerMember

    Daisy - the waiting is the worst bit !!

    Go buy lots of shiny things and we'll keep everyting crossed for you and let us know as soon as you know.

    HUGS xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    DB what a pain the waiting is, but try to have a nice weekend and forget it.

    I must admit when I had a problem discovered on a Friday morning, by the afternoon I had a call from my GP surgery saying I had to come in Monday. So I guess like you say, no news is good news.

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisy,

    The Cancers Curse the waiting for results. You will be ok.  Look after yourself. and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Daisy bun,I been trying to contact Solent lady cos I cannot log into Buzzen,do YOU have the link Please?

    I hope so.

    Hope you are well today

