
1 minute read time.

Hi Everyone,  We read so many negatives I wanted to share a positive.  I have had Lung cancer diagnosed September 13.  Prognosis February 15 plus or minus?.

I had the usual plat chemo, two lots followed by 30 days radiation and was advised things were deteriating , and ended up hospitalised with pneumonia and collapsed lung.  Things were looking grim when the Oncologist said he was really pleased, they had found the genetic make up of my cancer suited treatment with Tarceva.  He was very positive however I thought he was just trying to give me a lift after all the negative news.

However I started the Tarceva course, the side effects are many and you could easily begin to think too much for you, but step back a moment then consider the side effects against what the Tarceva is doing.

My side effects have included finger/toe nails growing in curves, causing discomfort from soreness and infection and the loss of nine toe nails,   very, very thin skin, a brush against a door frame is a massive bruise taking 7 or 10 days to go.  My left nostril gave a very small and slight trickle of blood for Four, yes four months, used to coat the inside with moisturizer cream.  Big impact on my sense of taste, can no longer enjoy Chocolate!! or many of the high sugar items,  anything salty puts my hands into cramps and I wear wooly gloves day and night, warmth seems to stop it.

So the good news is?  all the above are trivial inconveniences.  I had a scan in December 14 showing that instead of things getting worse, after 8 months treatment the cancer is either stabilised with no change or reducing in all areas effected.  I feel really well although because of that inclined to do to much and become breathless, but that's me.  Consider my original prognosis February 15? Chemo/radiation no good, Tarceva and all its irritations..brilliant. 

Good luck every one

Steve C

