Floor of mouth cancer

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Had surgery for floor of mouth cancer, on 27/08/14, went for check up last week. Was told they didn't gat a clear margin go good tissue. Have to have more surgery on 13/10/14. Also told they going to do neck dissection to check the nodes in my neck, really scared now. Any words of wisdom out there?
  • FormerMember

    Hello Lillybag ... six years ago I had extensive surgery ( including an ear-to-ear neck dissection ) followed by twenty fractions of RT for floor of mouth cancer, click on my name to read my profile for more details. It is very scary, but with help you can get through it ... you don't have to feel alone in this x

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone. Having had lots of dental work done , over the past twelve months, I finally have full set of bottom teeth, placed on 5 implant screws. My mouth still feels ''uncomfortable' like slight burning sensation - will this feeling ever go away? Sometimes I get a 'pulsating' feeling in my lower gums! At least I can eat now! Any ideas?

  • Hi

    I am due for some dental work after the new year Jan 2018 after having a neck dissection part tongue removal and 14 lower teeth and a skin flap fitted in place on my lower palette , i can eat bits and bats by chewing on the other side of my mouth i just wondered if having the new teeth made things much more easier and how do you go on with swallowing food , i find it hard to swallow anything bigger that a garden pea without chewing it to a pulp will this improve with time ?

    Pete 22/12/ 2017