First post

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Well here goes my first post. This is all new to me but would love to find some support from people with similar experiences as feel little like I am drowning at the moment ekkkk. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer back in august after being taken in to A&E with what I thought was a bad sickness bug. To cut a long story short it was a blockage in my bowel on the form of a Tumor Within 24 hrs I was rushed in to have it removed along with part of my bowel. I was sent hime to recover with a 3yr old and 1 yr old this wasn't an easy task but was just happy to be home. After 4 weeks I started my first bout of chemo and the same week had the massive blow of finding out the cancer had decided to find a second home in my liver so was now classed as incurable but manageable with treatment for as long as possible. I am looking to hear other peoples story's with bowel cancer as my mind is currently in a whirl xx
  • FormerMember
    Hi lucylou1 So sorry to hear about you be diagnosed with bowl cancer, my husband has the same problem as you do, he was diagnosed in March 2013, he also had half his bowel removed and started on a course of chemotherapy, then after more scans we were told it had spread to his liver. He has had 10 courses of chemotherapy, he was supposed to have 12 but couldn't manage the last 2 because it was making him to ill. The doctors said that was fine because the 10 he managed to have had done what they wanted them to do, he is now having 3 months off to try and recover and get some strength back, but we do have to go for another scan mid January..I know what you mean about you head being in a whirl, mine still is 10 months on, there's so much to take in....keep thinking positively, take one day at a time, and enjoy your