Update with Hickman line in place now

3 minute read time.

I wanted to add more, sooner... but due to the Green Man Festival kind of interfering with the net, I have been unable to access anything for a few days .... which was quite nice in a way ;)
So, having planned to attend the festival as usual, plus help out the recycling team with admin again for a few hours, I had to change my whole festival arrangement this year! So, only spending a few hours there, and walking back home (5 minutes from the house as it is on the Park where the festival is held, which is just brilliant!), to rest, and only doing an odd hour here and there for recycling, and not having a drink each evening as we would normally! But I loved the time I was there and was glad to be so near home so I could lie on the sofa, listening to the music whilst resting :) I met up with friends old and new, listened to some excellent music (having heard Bellowhead I already liked them after seeing them live I now love them!!) Pedro managed to get some time off too which was fab - nice to meander about together.
Deri was away with my mum and Bryan, and came back Sunday morning ... so spent Sunday bimbling about with Deri... her favourite spot is under the life sized inflatable elephant which stands next to the pond by the Wishing Tree :D We sat there for a while, blowing bubbles with her dolphin bubble blower, taking photos of her being sucked up the trunk............................ we met up with Pedro and ate nachos whilst watching bands then Deri went shopping round the stalls lol! Spent the evening in Chai Wallahs............. mmmmm to the 1 very nice cup of bandy chai I had .... and discovered a band called Dizraeli and the Small Gods who were brilliant!

Spent some of the time getting me head ready for the hickman line to be inserted on Wednesday ... and then found out that nothing can describe it, especially having it under local - erm, if there's a next time, I'll take the general aneasthetic instead please!!! Ok, it took less than an hour, and I was home the same day, and it will be very very useful as it avoids having to have needles take bloods or give medicines, but bloody hell; you get tugged about and it feels so bloody weird (for those unfamilar with it -  the line is fed through an incision near your collarbone and fed down under your skin through a vein, then a line hanging down from the other incision near your breast, which splits into two lines with caps on the ends) ....... I feel like 5 of 9 out of Star Trek!! I feel as though I have been hit by a bus, and can't  use my right arm for anything much and it's ACHY now ... yep, it was *not* pleasant but apart from a sore arm/chest, I am feeling pretty much back to normal! ;)

Woke on Thursday feeling as though I had been run over by a train! Deri was being picked up by Liz to play on the farm, so I went for a gentle walk to help loosen up as my body had tensed up overnight.
My mum picked me to go for the check up in the Windsor suite where I have my chemo. They re-dressed the would and cleaned it up a bit more etc, and gave me a kind of long narrow bag with a strap to go over your neck; the two tubes hanging down sit in the bag so they don't swing about or get caught in anything - I have to say, they are a bit awkward to have around! Plus they cannot get wet, so I have to have shallow baths or hold the shower head by hand so it doesn't go over them!!
Last night I managed to sleep on my right hand side for a little while for the first time, which isn't to bad considering it went in on Wednesday I guess. But I can't hug people very tightly as it's still sore. And I can't muck out my duck shed or pick up a full kettle or lift Deri up ... blimey it's a bit of a pain right now!! ;)
I am taking two co-codomols every morning and every night to help with the achiness, but otherwise feeling alright, just getting used to having a 'willy warmer'' as the nurses call it, with tubes in it, hanging down from between my boobs lol!

  • FormerMember

    Glad you could enjoy the festival.. sounds fun!

    I had to have a picc line put in- similar, but on your arm.. drove me nuts having that thing dangling there especially when attached to the pump so you have my sympathy with that one and good luck with the willy warmer! Good name!

    I kept forgetting about the kettle picking up etc (ooops)

    Little My

  • FormerMember

    It's a good festy, and just across the road so bit spoilt!

    In your arm? Hmmm, does sound odd, but I think I'd prefer that but then again the grass is always greener...heehee!

    Well I bathed the dog today, and now I'm exhausted, so look at em with all my good intentions............. ahem...

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    I had 3 Hickman lines inserted over a period of 2 years. The 1st and 3rd time weren't too bad but i did swear at the doctor for the 2nd one. I just had dressings to keep mine in place, which were changed each week when I went for bloods/chemo.

    You will be glad of the Hickman when you are having treatment as you will not come out covered in bruises from each time they have put in a needle, as chemo narrows the veins making it harder for them.

    My 3 children were a little older...youngest was 16 at the time, but its important to be as honest as you can as with the best will in the world you are going to have days when you are not too good, and you won't be able to hide it. Have you a good support network?

    Big Hug xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stinker!

    Yes I have those see-through dressings too, they change them once a week same as you :)

    Yes I am already thanking it as had bloods today and do not have ruddy great bruises... my veins shrink and collapse easily, so I know it's a good thing really, just gives a whole new meaning to ''Boob Tubes''.......... ;)

    I am not keeping anything from them but am not harping on about stuff all the time either - trying to 'normalise' the words cancer and chemo etc into everyday life. I am usually quite open and honest with them anyway, which sometimes causes them deep teenage embarrassment lol, but it's turned out for the best now :)

    I also have a great support network - mum and stepdad live 6 miles away and are doing lots of cooking, laundry and childcare, and have friends offering lots of help too, especially the mums at the youngest (6 years) school re: taking to school/picking up , shopping etc :)

    Thank you for YOUR lovely support too :)

    Big Cwtchs

    Ems xxx

  • FormerMember

    Don't know if you've had a chance to look at my biography...I'm a walking miracle and now in remission, but there probably isn't much I haven't been through as regards Hodgkins. I used to get some micropore and tape my line on my shoulder so that I could bathe in more than an inch of water! It is heaven when you get rid of the bugger and a lazy bath is the norm again.

    I found that kids are far more able to deal with what is going on in our lives than adults. Mine never let me get away with anything....no cancer cards allowed in my house. I was still Mum and there for them, and they looked after me when i needed it. the important thing was that they still saw the person i am, not the disease.

    Glad you have people there for you. Listen to your body, and be kind to yourself.

    Love and hugs xxx