Hair we go then ...

2 minute read time.

Left my window open last night and was woken at 6.30 by the 1 feral duck who 98% of the time refuses to tuck up in the duck shed with the others; she was having a good old Quack, probably because she misses out on the evening feed by NOT getting in the shed... anyway, as our old windows wouldn't disguise much quacking even if I shut them, I wandered out to let the other ducks out and throw some food down, then took the 1st of 3 anti-sickness pills of the day, and went back to bed. Deri woke me at 7.30 asking for a kiss and a cwtch and if she could go and stick the tv on. Then back an hour later as she was hungry :)
So I had a cuppa too, and followed Deri's plan to have weetabix but don't think that was a good idea as too much milk maybe, feel slightly queasy now. napped on sofa, it's 12/30 now and going to have an apple to go with my exciting bottle of water :)
Am quite knackered today I must say.
So, there I was, reading my book, fiddling with my hair... I missed a knot yesterday it seems, so I did the usual of tugging at it a bit with my fingers and here comes a handful of hair... I pulled gently at another area just to see - yep, the same. "Right" I said out loud to myself, "here we go then", and then the pun of Hair We Go came to mind - oh dearie me my humour really IS awful eh??
So, do I let it just fall out slowly, do I go for a 'jaunty' shorter style - recommended by the nurses too - ?
No point going for layered or feathered styles as who knows which bits of hair will come out and make it look weird! Just a 'bob' then? Or have it cut close to the head? Oh decisions decisions. Best go see that fella about my wig prescription this week then, in case I get an urge to wear one. I THINK I'll be more inclined to go for scarves etc, but if I don't order a wig now I may then want one later! I am after all, quite awkward sometimes ;)
Deri is supposed to be meeting her father at the park today, I think some fresh air would be good (I have to accompany her due to various shitty factors regarding him/booze/behaviour etc etc) but I am tired so I may need to make excuses and only have an hour out... in which case, we had better get dressed, OR, stay in and when he calls pretend we all have a bug and can't do anything til next week...? Hmmmmm
Munching an apple seems to be working. Will make Deri some lunch and see what we feel like then ....

  • FormerMember

    Hi :)

    I think s short bob thingy is the way to go too ... and I can't see mewearing the wig unless I can get an electric blue spiky one for parties! ;)

    You're right, bald is beautiful, and yes, some people are happy with it...... xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Just had the thinning with ABVD, but lost all my hair twice with later treatments. Never wore wig, and sometimes started with a scarf, but usually ended up tearing it off because I'd suddenly go very hot (during a very cold winter). Everybody got used to me when I was out. Only time somebody gave me strange looks was when I went to a pub with friends and there were some lads in their 20s who stared. I just thought that it was their problem, not mine, if they couldn't cope with it!
