Hair we go then ...

2 minute read time.

Left my window open last night and was woken at 6.30 by the 1 feral duck who 98% of the time refuses to tuck up in the duck shed with the others; she was having a good old Quack, probably because she misses out on the evening feed by NOT getting in the shed... anyway, as our old windows wouldn't disguise much quacking even if I shut them, I wandered out to let the other ducks out and throw some food down, then took the 1st of 3 anti-sickness pills of the day, and went back to bed. Deri woke me at 7.30 asking for a kiss and a cwtch and if she could go and stick the tv on. Then back an hour later as she was hungry :)
So I had a cuppa too, and followed Deri's plan to have weetabix but don't think that was a good idea as too much milk maybe, feel slightly queasy now. napped on sofa, it's 12/30 now and going to have an apple to go with my exciting bottle of water :)
Am quite knackered today I must say.
So, there I was, reading my book, fiddling with my hair... I missed a knot yesterday it seems, so I did the usual of tugging at it a bit with my fingers and here comes a handful of hair... I pulled gently at another area just to see - yep, the same. "Right" I said out loud to myself, "here we go then", and then the pun of Hair We Go came to mind - oh dearie me my humour really IS awful eh??
So, do I let it just fall out slowly, do I go for a 'jaunty' shorter style - recommended by the nurses too - ?
No point going for layered or feathered styles as who knows which bits of hair will come out and make it look weird! Just a 'bob' then? Or have it cut close to the head? Oh decisions decisions. Best go see that fella about my wig prescription this week then, in case I get an urge to wear one. I THINK I'll be more inclined to go for scarves etc, but if I don't order a wig now I may then want one later! I am after all, quite awkward sometimes ;)
Deri is supposed to be meeting her father at the park today, I think some fresh air would be good (I have to accompany her due to various shitty factors regarding him/booze/behaviour etc etc) but I am tired so I may need to make excuses and only have an hour out... in which case, we had better get dressed, OR, stay in and when he calls pretend we all have a bug and can't do anything til next week...? Hmmmmm
Munching an apple seems to be working. Will make Deri some lunch and see what we feel like then ....

  • '.... a kiss and a cwtch' Those words took me back to my childhood in Wales when my mother would say: "Cwtch up by yer, bach".  It means so much more than 'cuddle', doesn't it?

    Grasp the nettle and go out for some fresh air - you'll feel better after a good airing!


  • FormerMember

    well, being someone who has a very short crop of a hairdo, I would say, use this opportunity to do something funny and weird with your hair... get an outrageous cut (short- doesn't make quite such a mess) and have a bit of fun, cos if you don't like it, you won't have it for long, or you can just shave it off etc....and when else would you dare to eh?

    I think it looks a bit less scary when short hairs come out rather than long ones... All mine didn't fall out, just 'thinned' as they say... but it was easier to see and clogged the drains up a bit less after I got it cut...

    Awkward? odd sense of humour? hmm that reminds me of someone...

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate

    Yes, it DOES mean more than a cuddle ;))

    I did go out to the park, and -shock horror - he actually bought his own daughter some new shoes!

    Ahem. So yes, it was better to go out, plus I got to see Pedro as I called in to the hotel on our way home :)) I am looking forward to tomorrow as it does not open Sunday evenings so he will be at mine all night :)

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    Yeh, I'll get a bob/crop thingy done tomorrow :))

    Hmmmm, dunno WHO that could be........................

    Big BUG Hugs to you xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hello, just thought id tell you... when i had ABVD, after the 3rd lot of chemo, my hair started coming out, in strands first, so i had it cut in a bob.... then after the 4th.... handfuls! brushes ful, the plug hole was full of it in the bath, shower... so i got my mum to shave it to a number 2... and then left it to fall out on its own then.... altho my pillow did get a bit hairy!!

    i never wore wigs.. i had two from the hospital. and then i had 6 hats, and 1 scarf, and never bothered with them either... remember... Bald is Beautiful :)

    we all have our own choices... but here to support you should you need any advice :) xxxx