Chemo #2 postponed until tomorrow...........

1 minute read time.

Had a call at 8.45am today ... white blood cell count too low to have chemo today but could I go in for an injection (first of 6) to ensure I could have chemo tomorrow instead?

Bloody hell!!! I'll be a pin cushion lol!

So I have these needles which i can self-administer for 6 days with Sat and Sun as a gap, so I did the first one at the hospital and was quite nervous as HATE needles but didn't feel a thing! There ARE good reasons for having my ''muffin top''!!

Doc confirmed the CT scan results - it is early stage 2A - in neck and a few towards chest - and she commented how much smaller my neck is already ... phew!!!

Then another nurse who works with research docs asked if I would agree to give more blood and allow part of my original biopsy to go for research, particularly as so many of my family have had cancer... yup I said.

My would was a bit red and weepy to a nurse took a swab to see if i will need antibiotics (why not have more drugs after all?!) and cleaned it up and put a dry dressing on instead of those see through ones which may have been making it sweat...

So, tomorrow instead now, inject myself in the morning, then off for round 2!!

I think that's what so annoying is that you can't really plan to do much, can you?? Never mind...

So, big hugs to us all, and try again tomorrow! :)) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My!

    Oooooooooh shiny things ...... gooooooooooooood idea!!!

    I was dreading injecting myself but it's a very short, fine needle and has a plunger thingy so I didn't even feel it and I HATE needles so it was a very pleasant surprise!

    And yes I was relieved about the staging etc. Thanks for the HUGS, I likes those :D


  • FormerMember

    Your post made me laugh Cariad, despite going through something so awful, you've kept a sense of humour.  You seem to have a wonderfully positive attitude.

    Dad is sitting in with the oncologist as we speak. We've been waiting 8 weeks for a treatment plan. Mom said if we don't get a plan for chemo today, she's staging a sit in....

    Know what you mean about not wanting to go too far from home. How can you plan ahead if the hossy call whilst you're half undressed in a changing room??? I mean, really?!

    I hope the chemo goes well for you and I hope you managed to do something nice for yourself today.

    Good luck tomorrow xxx

  • FormerMember

    Aw i'm sorry, a bummer when you mentally plan for something, but it is a day and comforting to know that if your white count is a bit low, it doesn't delay things too much and they can boost it with injections.  Good girl for having a muffin top!!  Well planned.

    Hope tomorrow goes well, wipe that diary and get some dvds ready for some down time :) xx

  • FormerMember

    hi, i was stage 2b... and am now in remission, one year and 3 months.. and counting.. yeahhhh!! :)  i had 6 cycles of ABVD, (12 lots altogether) and i found staying positive helped :)

    just a little tip... i used to inject myself too with these neupogen injections, and found i used to suffer real bad aches and pains from it.... just incase it happens to you...

    i used to do my neupogen injections just before bed, then have a couple of pain killers, and that would help me sleep through the aches... rather than walk around in the day, aching.... etc... if you ever need any advice PM me, and im more than happy to help :) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah - I always did have a terribly inappropriate sense of humour, I guess this is when it will help the most :)

    Thank you - I WILL be looking forward to just chilling out - my mother is bringing me home from hospital and cooking tea then taking the kids to hers for the night/next day :)

    8 WEEKS?!? - tell your mum I'll be sending down some experienced sitters-in!! Good luck!!!

    Thanks so much for your lovely words too :)) xxx

    Molly, hi :) Well, I thought being ''volumptuous'' was good just to not get wrinkles... now it seems its good for injections too! ;) Thanks hun, dvd's are a GOOD idea xxxxx

    Emziee - hello missy - I am SO thrilled for you!!!! I haven't had a pain from it yet today, but if I do get them, I will be nagging you for advice, don't worry about that! ;)

    This is why this site is SO amazing - such open, loving, friendly support and advice, THANK YOU everyone! xxx