Just saying hi

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How are you doing?

i”m also in the situation of dying.  They have given  me a window of 12-18months but could be as much as 3+years if treatment goes well. So far first lot of chemo hasn’t worked and the tumours in my lungs and  cervix no chance of surgery, had grown now  back on the original chemo I had in 2019 but having terrible side effects of diarrhoea which at times has left me house bound,. 

It’s  so had to plan anything nice as you don’t know how you’re going to feel after each session. It  makes you think am I just wasting the time I have left taking drugs that may or may not work.  

On the plus side I’m taking a chance and going to London this weekend fir a family party and seeing my youngest granddaughter whose 10 months old, fingers crossed I can hold the diarrhoea off while staying in the hotel Fingers crossed
