Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Cancer prevention – are you confused?


    It seems that every time you open a newspaper or switch on the news, there’s a different cancer prevention message. The volume of information can be overwhelming – and not helpful when some messages seem to contradict each other.

    In the first of a two part blog about cancer prevention, we discuss some of the positive things we could all do to help reduce our risk of cancer.

    Why it’s so important
    In the…

  • The benefits of cervical screening and what it involves


    This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week. In this blog, one of our information development nurses Teri explains what cervical screening is, what it’s for and why it’s important.

    Cervical screening can help reduce the number of women affected by cervical cancer. Scientists and experts estimate cervical screening saves around 4,500 lives each year in the UK.

    Cervical cancer usually affects women over the…

  • Men’s Health Week 2016


    Today is the start of Men's Health Week. In this blog, one of our editors Sofiane explores some of the causes of stress, as well as things that can help you cope.

    Stress. We’ve all experienced it. If you type “stress” into Google, you’ll get a daunting 611,000,000 results. This figure is somewhat reassuring if you’re stressed and feeling alone, but also quite concerning. It seems that stress plays a huge part in…

  • Carers Week 2016


    For Carers Week 2016, we asked people what caring for a loved one is really like. In this blog, our Quality and Evaluation Lead Abi reveals the responses we got, and talks more about looking after someone with cancer.

    The results of the question we asked are shown in the word cloud below – the bigger the word, the more it was mentioned.

     The image shows a lot of words that people used to describe what caring was like. It includes words that were used a lot such as emotion, blessing, family, support, information, anxiety, drained and finances.

    Information and support
    Not surprisingly, the words ‘support’ and ‘information…

  • Volunteers' Week 2016


    This week is Volunteers' Week, and we’re taking the opportunity to celebrate and thank our own volunteers, the cancer information reviewers. In this blog, our Editorial Assistant Steven explains what they do and why they’re so important for our team.

    ‘Sorry,’ wrote Jenny, one of our volunteers, ‘unfortunately I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Tuesday so I'm a bit "up in the air” at the moment. I…