October is breast cancer awareness month, and today we have a guest blog from Jazz. She shares her experience of breast cancer, from diagnosis through to her incredible fundraising efforts after treatment.
"I'd love to do a blog" I said, and I would!
"I've got so much to say" I said, and I have!
"Go on then Jazz, you've got 500 words!"
Aha, ho hum, hmm… I'll begin at the beginning:
In the summer of 2009 I found a lump in my left breast. Well I didn't just bump into it, my nipple had looked wrong for a few days. It was pulled down to one side, I'd been thinking 'I must check that' and after a few days I remembered to do just that. That's when I found the lump. It was huge, actually it was about the size of a plum and in a 34B that is MASSIVE! I'd been checking my breasts regularly since I was 18 so it was a shock, there was no pain and I felt fine. The lump had appeared so fast and was so big that I was sure it was nothing to worry about.
I went to my GP who referred me to a breast surgeon "…to be safe" and so I took my needle phobic self, alone, to that appointment. The surgeon felt the lump and sent me to have a mammogram and an ultrasound scan. I noticed that he was following me and I became a little edgy. I started to panic when he said that I needed to have a core biopsy, that's a chunky needle! My eyes were leaking as the technician took two samples from the lump, the leak became a trickle when the surgeon said he'd like to biopsy my lymph nodes and a waterfall as the fear of needles and the results began to dawn on me.
I had a cup of tea with a lovely nurse and then drove home to my lovely young family. I was fairly sure that my lump was quite sinister and tried to prepare my husband and parents for the result. To my daughters, who were 11 and 9, I explained a little about the tests and what they could mean and said we'd have to wait for the results.
A couple of days later I returned to the breast surgeon - with my husband - and was told that I had grade 2 stage 3 hormone receptive, invasive lobular breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. Wow!
Three weeks later I started treatment. I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (DIEP flap) using tissue from my stomach to reconstruct the breast, followed by six months of chemotherapy and then 5 weeks of daily radiotherapy. I took tamoxifen for two years, I had an oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) and my drugs were changed to exemestane.
When my treatment finished I contacted Macmillan and became a Cancer Voice. I review publications and leaflets, and attend focus groups to discuss new projects. I received an award this year for volunteering with Macmillan for over 5 years and had a wonderful time at the annual conference.
To celebrate my 5 year cancer free anniversary I joined a Macmillan climb of Ben Nevis. Last year, along with a group of friends, I held our first annual coffee morning and raised over £1,200 for Macmillan.
It's very important for my health that I am able to help others and I've been involved in setting up two cancer support groups: one with my breast surgeon and another with my employer. We received fantastic help from Macmillan when setting up the support group within my place of work.
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