World Health Day - Health for all

4 minute read time.

This is a banner which says 'World Health Day' and has the hashtag Health For All.

This Saturday is World Health Day. In this blog, intern Emily talks about this year’s theme ‘Health for All’ and how Macmillan is striving to improve the experience of those affected by cancer.

This year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) have chosen the theme ‘universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere’. But what does this really mean?

The WHO defines universal health coverage as:

  • All people having access to quality health services, without suffering financial problems.
  • Not having to choose between good health and other life necessities.
  • Health care without discrimination, leaving no one behind.

Here’s how we are committed to supporting everyone affected by cancer:

1) We have information for everyone
At Macmillan, we believe that everyone has the right to access the health information they need, when they need it. Did you know our information comes in:

  • British Sign Language (BSL) videos
  • easy read booklets
  • audiobooks
  • large print and Braille
  • translations.

By making our information as accessible as possible, no one is left behind. For more information and to order these resources free, visit our website. If you can’t find what you need, please email and we will be happy to help.

This is a banner, with the heading 'information for everyone' and an illustration of a person taken from our easy read resources.

2) We provide practical support
At Macmillan we understand that cancer can affect more than just your physical health. There may be practical things to consider, including work, finances and travel. We have lots of information on our website about organising and coping with cancer.

3) We provide emotional support
If you or someone you know has a cancer diagnosis, you may be feeling many difficult emotions.

Our booklet How are you feeling? The emotional effects of cancer can be a good place to start. We also have information available for carers.

If you would like to speak to someone, our support line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm on 0808 808 00 00.

4) We provide financial support
For many people, a cancer diagnosis can cause money worries. Our financial guidance team can support you in areas such as:

  • energy costs
  • mortgages
  • insurance
  • pensions
  • work
  • benefits
  • planning ahead.

We also offer Macmillan Grants to help with the cost of cancer. These are usually one-off payments for those who have a low level of income and savings.

To speak to our financial guidance team, call 0808 808 00 00. You may also want to order our booklet Help with the cost of cancer, which is free to order or download.

5) We provide face to face support
We understand that some people prefer face to face support. Macmillan have information centres all over the UK as well as mobile information and support buses that visit local communities. Our expert advisors and volunteers are on hand to answer your questions or just to be a listening ear.

To find a Macmillan information centre near you, click here and type in your postcode.

This is an image of Mario, an Information and Support Officer at one of our Macmillan centers. There is a quote bubble from Mario which says 'Once someone finds out I've been through it and they see me standing in front of them, I think they do have that glimmer of hope.'

We hope this blog has helped to share some of the ways that Macmillan can support you or someone you know.

Don’t forget! You can contact our support line for practical and emotional support (Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm). Whatever is on your mind, we are here to help. It is free to call us on 0808 808 00 00

To see what else Macmillan's cancer information team has been blogging about, please visit our blog home page! You can subscribe to receive our blogs by email or RSS too.

We're with you every step of the way

The Macmillan team is here to help. Our cancer support specialists can answer your questions, offer support, or simply listen if you need a chat. Call us free on 0808 808 00 00.

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Keep in touch Follow Macmillan’s cancer information team on Twitter @mac_cancerinfo
