Volunteers' Week - A big thank you!

6 minute read time.

This is a banner that says 'Happy Volunteer's Week!'

This week (1st to 7th June) is National Volunteers’ Week. In this blog editorial assistant Eilís pays tribute to our brilliant volunteers. 

Volunteers are essential to the work that Macmillan does. Whilst we have almost 2,000 paid members of staff, we have roughly 20,000 volunteers!

Volunteering at Macmillan
Each volunteer makes a meaningful difference to people living with and affected by cancer – from our enthusiastic Cheerpoint Volunteers at the London Marathon, to our Buddy Volunteers across the regions, to our esteemed board of trustees. By offering up their time and energy, each volunteer brings a wealth of experience, expertise and skills to their role. For more information on how you can volunteer with us and our very wide range of volunteering opportunities, visit Macmillan’s Volunteering Village.

The annual Volunteers’ Conference
A couple of weeks ago, two members of the CID team were lucky enough to attend the Macmillan Volunteers’ Conference. They had an excellent day. Volunteers were able to network and attend sessions, talks and workshops by guest speakers. The event was an opportunity for Macmillan volunteers to come together, meet each other, learn new skills and gain information about roles.

This image shows Macmillan staff Sue and Helen and volunteer reviewer Irene, at the Cancer Information Development stand at this year's Volunteer Conference.

The Volunteers’ Conference is also a celebration of our volunteers. National and regional awards were given to individuals who have shown outstanding service, who have gone above and beyond the remit of their roles. Find out more about this year’s winners here

We hope to see you there next year!

Volunteering in the Cancer Information Development team
One of the best parts of my job is volunteer management. I engage with our volunteers on a daily basis, whether to discuss current projects or find out what they did at the weekend!

The volunteers who help us in the CID team play a very specific and important role. They read our information and use their personal experience to give feedback and help us improve.

We also have a group of professional reviewers. They check our information is clinically accurate and up to date. Their input is vital.

You can read our cancer information, all of it reviewed by our volunteers, here, and order our booklets and audiobooks for free here. Each of our audiobooks can also be accessed in just a few clicks, on Soundcloud.

This year, 26 of our volunteer reviewers achieved the 5 year long service award and 24 achieved the 10 year long service award. We are so appreciative of their dedication and support!

Adriana is one of our volunteer reviewers who has just achieved her 10 year long service award. She told me what volunteering means to her:

This is a quote from Adriana. It says ' Volunteering is a way to "give something back". My mum had cancer twice and knowing that the information that I am reviewing helps other people in this situation gives me a sense of satisfaction. The first time that my mum had cancer was in the mid 1980s, there was not as much information as there is now and we were very much in the dark when trying to find out about my mum's cancer. Macmillan has a wealth of information which means that people who are diagnosed with cancer nowadays can access the answers to their questions readily, and I am happy to be a part of that.'

Adriana also explained what she enjoys about her reviewing role:

This is a quote from Adriana. It says 'I enjoy reviewing the information as a lay person and thinking of the types of questions that I would ask if I was diagnosed with a particular type of cancer or undergoing a particular treatment. It is also very information to review booklets and fact sheets and I personally have learnt a lot."

I also spoke to Irene, who recently received our 10 year long service award. She explained what she enjoys about her reviewing role:

This is a quote from Irene. It says 'It's a varied role and can involve commenting on fact sheets and booklets and listening to auido. It's also very flexible so I can fit it in with other commitments. There is a monthly newsletter for reviewers to let us know what is available. If I have a fe minutes or a few hours to spare, I can contact the review team and they can suggest something for me to have a look at. They always make sure that I am happy with the timescale. I find that I might have more questions and comments on something that I haven't come across before, a new fact sheet or a new booklet for example. No matter how small your involvement, it really counts.'

She also described other volunteering roles she does for Macmillan, such as book reviewing:

This is a quote from Irene. It says 'I've recently become a book reviewer and I've been learning about the other roles at the Volunteers' Conference. There's an amazing amount of opportunities. I do like to support events locally (coffee and cake mornings in particular!). I like to say hello to the people looking after Macmillan Information Centres, mobile vans and events, and talk about my role as a reviewer. I think a lot of people will have come across Macmillan Nurses, know that there is advice on the end of the phone and have seen the booklets. But there are an amazing amount of people doing lots of different things that they might not know about.'  

Thank you to Adriana and Irene, and for all the contributions made by our volunteer reviewers. You are all amazing! We are extremely appreciative every time a reviewer generously offers to comment on a booklet (or two!) or agrees to help us on short notice.

They are wonderful individuals whose willingness to give up their time when they already have busy and demanding lives, is incredibly admirable.

From all of us here in CID, thank you! 

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