Meet Irene: “Why I review books for Macmillan.”

3 minute read time.

Want to start the New Year by making a difference? We know the positive impact that quality information can have for those affected by cancer – but we can only produce it with your help. That’s why we’re looking for new reviewers to make our information in 2015 the best it can be.

We could tell you ourselves why the work our reviewers do is so important, but we can’t say it as well as someone who’s actually doing the job. So we’d like to introduce you to Irene.

Irene is one of our longest-serving reviewers. She’s reviewed everything from fact sheets and leaflets to booklets about breast cancer. She’s even given us quotes about her experiences to use in our publications.

Here, Irene talks about her experience as a cancer information reviewer:

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003.  I think a lot of people go through a stage of reading anything they can lay their hands on, especially to see how other people have coped, what treatment they had and what the future holds.

Irene, a cancer information reviewer, sits in her garden at home
                          Irene sitting in her garden at home

I had noticed a request for Macmillan reviewers in a newsletter. Something must have made me think about it a bit more because quite some time later I expressed an interest in becoming more involved. I have been reviewing for several years now. Sometimes I am asked to look at leaflets about drugs and what to expect during various procedures, and I also review booklets. I was especially honoured to be included in a booklet about cancer and the workplace a few years ago.  I had an especially supportive employer at the time and felt that I could, and wanted to, share my experiences. 

Macmillan wants its literature to be as simple as possible to understand. Treatments are changing and our knowledge is growing all the time. We are all very different and understand things in different ways. So when I am reviewing, I am able to say "I don't understand that word" or "Can this be explained a bit more clearly?" and I know that Macmillan will listen.

Macmillan will always ask in advance if you might be able to review things for them, and they give you ample time for you to have a think about being able to help out.

I feel as if I am giving back some of the support that I received during my treatment.  I have found it a very worthwhile project to be involved in.  I would thoroughly recommend anyone to consider becoming a reviewer!

Where do I sign up?

If you’re feeling inspired by Irene, you can register your interest in reviewing online by filling out a short form. That form comes straight to us, and we’ll then get in touch with you directly. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us at or on 0207 840 4736.

Sometimes, we post adverts on our Opportunities Exchange asking for reviewers for specific topics/booklets. If you sign up for an account with the Opportunities Exchange, you can keep your eye out for these and apply for them as and when you’re interested.

Our reviewers are at the heart of our work. They are able to spot the improvements we need to make so that our information is the best it can be for people affected by cancer. They are a huge help and we consider ourselves very lucky to work with such inspiring people every day.

To see what else Macmillan's cancer information team has been blogging about, please visit our blog home page! You can subscribe to receive our blogs by email or RSS too.

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  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the insight Imogen and a huge thanks to Irene and all the readers / reviewers that help you to produce so much useful information in a concise and helpful way.

    My biggest bug is that huge number of titles produced are all tucked away in the be.Macmillan part of the site, so most of the very many 'Community' members know very little about these downloadable 'gems'.

    Hopefully during the site upgrades Macmillan can integrate these into the community part of the site to make the pdf downloads more easily noticeable / accessible and it may even save a few £'s on print run costs ?

    Maybe we need to add the titles list to a page within the 'Cancer Information' part of the website.

    Thanks again for all you do, many here would still be running around like headless chickens without the information you provide to inform and ease concerns.

    High Five - George & Jackie (breast group)

  • FormerMember

    Hello Imogen, it's been my pleasure to do some reviewing for Macmillan too ... although my more knowledgeable area has to be in the Head and Neck Cancer area. I feel it's important for those who have ' been there ' to be able to comment and contribute to the booklets as having gone through the treatments we can truly understand what it's like.

    Many thanks to all concerned, always happy to help wherever I can.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It's always good to hear that our information is doing its job.

    George and Jackie (Dreamthief) - hi both, thanks very much for this feedback. We've passed it on to our colleagues for you. It's always good to know what would be most useful for the people using our site.

    Joycee - we completely agree! Our reviewers are really important in making our information as helpful as possible - we couldn't do it without you.

    Imogen & Elissia 
    (Cancer information editorial assistants)