Deaf Awareness Week – our new British Sign Language videos!

2 minute read time.

This week is Deaf Awareness Week. In this blog, Senior Editor Marilisa talks about our British Sign Language information, including two new videos.

Did you know that we have a collection of videos in British Sign Language (BSL)? They cover a wide range of topics, from signs and symptoms of cancer, to types of treatment and how to cope with side effects. We’ve worked closely with Deaf groups and organisations around the country to create clear, engaging information in BSL.

Recently we have added two new BSL videos to our collection. One is about brain tumour treatment and the other about neutropenic sepsis.

Brain tumour treatment

The first of our new videos is about treatment for brain tumours. Jordan, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour, talks about his life after cancer treatment. He explains how the treatment affected him, and the steps he took to help him in his recovery. Neuro-oncology nurse practitioner Anna explains the effects treatment for a brain tumour can have on your life.

Neutropenic sepsis

Neutropenic sepsis is a serious complication of chemotherapy. In this video, Dr Jiri Pavlu explains what neutropenic sepsis is and what causes it. Clinical nurse specialist Gill lists the symptoms of neutropenic sepsis and talks about what to do if you have symptoms. They also give advice on what people having chemotherapy can do to avoid infection. Stuart, who had neutropenic sepsis, describes his symptoms and the treatment he had.

Get in touch

If you are Deaf or hard of hearing and need to talk to us, there are different ways you can contact us:

  • If you are a textphone user, you can call the Macmillan Support Line using the Next Generation Text Service (NGT) by dialing 18001 0808 808 00 00.
  • If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone you can download the NGT Lite app for free. The NGT app works by connecting you to a relay assistant who reads to the other person the words you've typed, and types to you their reply.


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