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Hi all

Just joined this site today, for some reason during my many, many trawls of the internet, I hadn't come across this site before.

I'm 43 and undergoing chemo for pancreatic cancer following a whipples in mid Feb. I suppose I'm like everyone else in that some days I feel positive, whereas on other days, I find my mind wandering to darker places...

Again, like everyone else I imagine, I find myself looking on websites hoping for some positive news but I always end up focusing on the bad stuff (the statistics, etc). What I need to know is, are there any positive stories out there? Is 5 years really as much as I can hope for? Or am I being too negative?  I just don't know what to think as I was initially told the future was looking hopeful then to be told the chances of it returning within 2 years is 90%.

 I worry so much about my kids, who at 16, aren't exactly dependent babies, but the thought of me not being there as they graduate from college, meet partners, maybe even marry or have kids, well it breaks my heart. Noone can look after my two like I can (I like to think) and deep down I don't trust anyone else to put their interests first like I have always done.  And I suppose, deep down, I am angry that anyone else should get the opportunity to fill my role, it's my job to take care of my kids and I so so want to be there for as long as they need me. That out of everything is what worries me and I dont feel I can discuss it with anyone close as it upsets them too much if I try to discuss my mortality. They seem to think I'm being negative and want to cheer me up when, in reality, I'm just trying to be practical.

I suppose at the end of the day, all I want to know is- Is this cancer really going to get me?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Happy,

    You have found the right site for you,on here you will make many friends,who are only to eager to help in anyway you can any questions you want to ask about your type of Cancer,you will get an answer on this site. You can talk scream roar and shout we all have done it on here and feel the better for it. The one bit of advice I would give you is keep clear of the internet you will only get conflicting opinions. So welcome to the Mac Family

    and i hope you can get some answers here. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Welcome.  You are not alone on here with your thoughts - there is always someone on here who has walked the same road so I hope you are able to find some peace here.  As for the cancer getting  you - we are all going to be got!  The only thing in life we can be sure of is we're all going to die sooner or later - the middle bit is the adventure.  As for your children, you are right, no-one will ever care for them like you as you are their mum.  However, they will be loved and will find love and our kids are so much stronger than we give them credit for.  Every single day in life is a bonus and I wish you all strength, love and luck to live this adventure you are on.  I had high grade breast cancer in 2007 and couldn't have chemo as nearly died from infection, but I am still here today and living every minute as best I can.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Happy, welcome to the club that nobody wants to join. There's a lot of lovely people on here, you'll make lots of friends and the bloody cancer wont seem quite as bad. Ordinary [non cancer patients] are a million miles away from us in their thinking, they dont even understand mortality, we do, we face up to it every day. I hate the term 'positive', its a term used by people who cant understand where we are coming from. I'm not negative either, just realistic and trying to get the most out of my life. Luckily my kids are 41 and 35 years old so I dont have to worry about them, they are both doing OK and dont need me for much. Keep a sense of humour, avoid the miserable sods, and keep coming on here and exchanging support. I find this mob the greatest support team in the world.

    Hugs, Bill xxx

  • FormerMember

    HI Happy, I agree with Bill welcome to the club nobody really wants to be in, however it is a special fantastic  place which I take great comfort from and i am sure all the macland family do too. My daughters are 28 & 16 and i worry all of the time what they will without me but i have equipped them well (i think so anyway) so i know they will do good things and have good lives. Im afraid positivity is my word it works for me but Iam also a realist, A sense of humour is a must and yes avoid the miserys those who shy away like you are some kind of leper. In fact before i finished work i often felt like wearing a sign around my neck 'UNCLEAN' or actually shouting out loud that I am not contagious dont avoid me!!!!!! I have cancer im still me!

    I just take each day and for now Im happy knowing what I know and I am gratfeul to the medics who are helping me along the road.

    I am due to have a mastectomy in two weeks  4 hours and 16 minutes........................ not that im counting of course! Thats my next hurdle and believe me gal Im training for the rest of em.

    I hope you find the same comfort i have from this site dont know what i would do without it. I have made lovley friends in the short time i have been a member who are all in our boat and understand.

    I wish you all good things Happy

    Take Care

    Jules xx

  • You are in a very scary place just now, so DON'T trawl the internet and get sucked in by the many charlatans and scare-mongers out there waiting to prey on the vunerable. Stick to sites like this one - ask questions on the Support Line (free 'phone number to the right of the page).

    Best wishes,
