TAKING IT EASY (9 July 2020)

1 minute read time.

Just back from another trip to Charing Cross hospital but this time for a scheduled check up with my urology nurse and one of the two surgeons who operated on me.

Two little steps forward to normality.
Firstly, the pressure pad that covered the wound where the drain leaked was removed today. My urology nurse told me over the phone that I could remove it earlier in the week, but I was worried that if I did and stuff started oozing out I’d rather be in hospital so left it alone. As it turns out Surgeon removed it this morning and it is perfectly healed.
Secondly, I no longer have to empty my urine into a measuring jug and record all the output. All my outputs are as expected and so no need to continue.

I told them I am feeling really well apart from still being pretty tired, to which the Surgeon told me that is only to be expected and added “You cannot have much bigger surgery than what you went through. It is a major operation”
A Spanish style siesta was prescribed!

The only other issue I’ve faced is when I’ve overdone things. By “overdone”, I mean I went for a walk to my local park, and then back via a Co-op, and carried back some milk and bread. Out for about 45 minutes, but tummy aching on return and catheter bag not a lovely pale straw colour but more akin to the Rose Blush my wife drinks.
No harm done as a few glasses of water and a rest has things back to normal.
It’s just a reminder that I must take things easy. I do not want any more setbacks.

Surgeon and nurse confirmed that they do not need to see me again until my Cystogram which has been confirmed for July 29th.
Assuming no Neobladder leaks, then that is when catheter will be removed and new bladder training begins.

Therefore, no more blog updates until July 29th.

Can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
