Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Early NET Cancer Diagnosis – how early is early?


    It goes without saying that the sooner any cancer can be correctly diagnosed, the better chances of a complete cure for the person concerned.  However, some cancers are easier to diagnose than others.  One of the key issues associated with the correct diagnosis of Neuroendocrine (NET) Cancer is the vague symptoms which may be mistaken for other diseases and routine illnesses.  Moreover, this may go on for many years.  The…

  • Awareness, Awareness, Awareness


    When Tony Blair swept to power in 1997, he said:  “Ask me my three main priorities for government and I tell you education, education, and education”.  His approach of repeated word emphasis has been copied and recycled by many others replacing the words with something to suit their own message.  I’m now guilty of similar plagiarism!

    NET Cancer is rare and as a consequence has a small community of sufferers…

  • Horrible Hormones


    Up until 4 years ago, I didn’t have a clue about hormones – it’s one of those things you just take for granted.  However, hormones are vital to human health (male and female) and it’s only when things go wrong you suddenly appreciate how important they are …… a lot of other things in life I suppose!   My interest started when I was diagnosed with metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumours…

  • Glass half full or half empty?


    Most people have probably heard of the saying “is your glass half empty or half full”.  If you said ‘half empty’, you are said to have more of a pessimistic view on life; if you said ‘half full’, you tend to have more of an optimistic or positive outlook.

    Personally I would go for half full every time.  However, I don’t think a positive outlook actually means you permanently wear …

  • Mind over Matter

    When I started blogging nearly 6 months ago, it was relatively easy – all I needed to do was to talk about my cancer experience to help raise awareness of Neuroendocrine Cancer, then talk about my hike along Hadrian’s Wall for PLANETS Charity.  The blog was only ever intended to be a temporary supporting tool for the walk and its build up; but I was persuaded by good reviews and viewing numbers to keep it going…