Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Mind over Matter

    When I started blogging nearly 6 months ago, it was relatively easy – all I needed to do was to talk about my cancer experience to help raise awareness of Neuroendocrine Cancer, then talk about my hike along Hadrian’s Wall for PLANETS Charity.  The blog was only ever intended to be a temporary supporting tool for the walk and its build up; but I was persuaded by good reviews and viewing numbers to keep it going…

  • I woke up on NET Cancer day

    C&R at Planets (2)

    what I mainly remember was my wife Chris holding my hand which gave me a great deal of much needed comfort and security

    It was 10th November 2010 just after midnight.  I gradually woke up from the anaesthetic after a marathon 9 hour surgery – the first of what was to be several visits to an operating theatre.  I remember it being dark and I also remember feeling constrained by the dozen or so ‘connections’ to my…

  • #NETcancer – early diagnosis, not early misdiagnosis?

    The papers and social media seem to be full of awareness and early diagnosis articles this month.  This coincided with world NET Cancer Day on 10 Nov and world Pancreatic Cancer day on 13 Nov.  Social media was therefore buzzing with messages from organisations supporting and advocating for both of these cancer types.  These issues also made it to the conventional media outlets of newspapers, radio and television.  Last…

  • Tobacco and Cancer: A smoking gun?

    cancer smokingI've never smoked so I'm reasonably confident that my own cancer experience is not related to this type of personal lifestyle.  I did, however, grow up in a world where smoking was widespread and a generally accepted behaviour.

    We now know that smoking causes more than four in five cases of lung cancer. Lung cancer not only has one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers, but is the most common cause of cancer death…