Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Lanreotide - Four more years

    The UK general election steps up a gear this month and social media is playing a huge part in the debate leading up to 7 May 2015.  In the USA, the different parties are busily working on their candidates ready for 2016.  It appears that politicians worldwide, are keen to exploit all areas of communication to eke out votes from the young and old who now use social media on a scale which makes 4 or 5 years ago look prehistoric…

  • Horrible Hormones


    Up until 4 years ago, I didn’t have a clue about hormones – it’s one of those things you just take for granted.  However, hormones are vital to human health (male and female) and it’s only when things go wrong you suddenly appreciate how important they are …… a lot of other things in life I suppose!   My interest started when I was diagnosed with metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumours…

  • Awareness, Awareness, Awareness


    When Tony Blair swept to power in 1997, he said:  “Ask me my three main priorities for government and I tell you education, education, and education”.  His approach of repeated word emphasis has been copied and recycled by many others replacing the words with something to suit their own message.  I’m now guilty of similar plagiarism!

    NET Cancer is rare and as a consequence has a small community of sufferers…

  • If your Doctors don’t suspect it, they won’t detect it

    One of the most discussed and debated Neuroendocrine Cancer issues is late diagnosis. Cyberspace is full of disturbing stories on various web sites, Facebook chat sites and charity/support group forum sites.

    Neuroendocrine Cancer is also known as Neuroendocrine Tumours, or NET for short. It’s also frequently referred to as ‘Carcinoid’ but technically this is just a type of Neuroendocrine Tumour (the most common…

  • Passive patient or active advocate?

    I’ve been so busy with house, family and cancer campaigning activities but still found time to continue my research into Neuroendocrine Cancer.  Why do I do this?  Whilst I have a great medical team, I’d also like to be my own advocate and this means understanding what medical people tell me! Moreover, I don’t want to be a passive patient, I want to be an active advocate for my own health.  I found this…