More info and Chemo

3 minute read time.

So when we met the chemo Dr (oncology) again with the lovely Natalie, they explained the prognosis, there is a 4cm tumor in her pancreas and has wrapped around a main blood vessel. 

My mum by this time had spoken to one of my cousins who's mum was diagnosed with s4 pancreatic cancer and given 3 months went onna cruise and then came back did chemo and it zapped it enough that they were able to resect it and she has now been in remision for a few years, the Dr said it is always possible but not likely and she was a very lucky lady.

Due to my mum being healthy the doctor was happy to put her on a 100% strength chemo which would be given in hospital through a pic line every 2 weeks on a Monday and would go home for 2 days with a chemo drip then return to have it disconnected. Then bloods on the weekend before the next lot.

Mum was booked in for the last week in March, which seemed like forever away, but in-between they did eggs and more bloods.

But it still seemed like it was taking ages and again I was like this is a aggressive type cancer she needs treatment now.

And then it finally arrived, I dropped her off to the hospital, and hung around the local area in the shops and went and saw a friend for a bit and then picked her up when she was finished.

She let me know it all went OK, and she felt a bit hot flush and ill towards the end but was well taken care of.

She had her little pump of chemo that was "supposed" to being administered over the next 48 hours. After a few hours at hone mum weighed it as they told her to do and it's weight had not changed which it should have, mum decided to leave it till the morning and check again. She was fine that first day and the the next day the pump weight had still not changed, so we went back to the hospital and something had happened and they had to redo it. So now mum had to wait another 48 hours. 

Again for the next few days she seemed in good spirits and seemed well, and then went in and had the pump disconnected,  it had worked this time, and then over the next few days mum felt really ill and deteriorated massively.

My mum lives on her own, I live not far down the road from her with my husband and daughter but she is still on her own with no one there to get her a drink or a meal, we would bring her meals but little did we know she was not eating or drinking much as was so lethargic and tired. 

By the Wednesday she was really ill and looked terrible and I forced her to the hospital, we called the cancer unit who told us to go down to a&e but a doctor would come down and meet us fast track.

But we waited there for 45 mins after checking in when the receptionist went to go on her break and saw us still there chased them and about another half hour later was taking to a room in the back and started doing checks and she looked so unwell, so many people in the waiting room were concerned. 

They managed to get a catheter line in which is hard with my mum as she has deep small veins, and started putting fluids in her. I wanted to stay but my mum sent me home.
