I wish I could put you on my knee, give you a big cuddle and kiss it all better!!!

4 minute read time.

I want my Mum

I so want my mum right now to give me that big cuddle and tell me everything will be ok. (55yr old sobbing mess).

Its not a good blog Im afraid and wont be offended if you dont read it.

Its 3.30am and I cant sleep, cant stop crying either so god knows how the spelling is going. Never been hot on that anyway. Cant get spell check to work either grrrrrrrrr

I have read so many horrendous journeys on here and feel at times that I am intruding as I think in spite of Daves troubles we have had it mild compared to others not so fortunate.He didnt need to have chemo and I dont understand half the things you go on about with regards to it. I did find out what a PICC (PIC, PCC) line is. Such pain in my heart  as many of you have and will be losing a loved one. Dont mean to offend.

Am I going to lose My David too? I know that day will come but thought it would be of old age, not this fucking desease that has change our lives so dramatically. Am I jumping the gun here as his biopsy and ultrasound is today at 12pm so dont know anything yet. Im jumping the gun. Is that even an expression?      Brain not working !!     Think Im having a meltdown!!!!!

This past week has been hard, they cancelled his original appointment last week. Stressed aint the word. Very snappy with each other even though we tried so hard not to be.

Have made myself busy with sorting out the caravan, cleaned, repaired and damaged all in one session. Did the loft and spare room today. Even managed to make a curtain. Amazing how heavy a box becomes when your trying to hold it above your head as you climb a ladder :(    2yrs ago Dave would have done the loft loading, not me.

It was while I was washing up it happened.

We have a griddle pan with a removeable handle, I was putting it back together but couldnt screw it in tight enough so screamed abuse at it. Dave said he would do it, WHEN !!!!!!!!!   Then he said "what will you do when Im not here anymore", quick as a flash I replied "bin the bloody thing". Thats when we started our cancer returning talk.

He tried so hard not to cry, to spare my feelings yet again. It is what it is. Hate those words as he has been using them alot lately. Obviously we dont want it back, not even sure it is back, so why are we asuming it has come back. Dave, thats why. He is sure its back.

From day one he never asked questions, then asked me what will happen? He went along with whatever they wanted to do, even stopped me going to appointments because I was taking up their time by asking questions, god sake one of us had to ask. So I would ring Debbie his cancer support nurse, and find out what was happening. She is a diamond, my lifeline at times. He is feeling defeated, neglected, let down. This all came out last night after the washing-up episode. The waiting sure messed us up emotionaly. I know Dave is the patient, the one that had the massive op and reconstruction, the radiotherapy, the swine flu 3wks into it. the abcesses on his peg site, the chronic depression, and the family issues that have come up during the past 2yrs. Ive been beside him through it all. ME, not our kids,although supportive on many things, or his so called close brothers and sisters or even his lifelong friends. I lost it and told him exactly that, he crumbled and said he was sorry, hells bells I felt great after that, NOT!!!.  We are ok now, just a spanner in the works for a brief moment.

It is always there at the back of your mind, with every new ache or new pain. You never think logically that your legs ache because you went out walking for a change, or your arm hurts because you over stretched. Before the cancer we would have come to those conclusions, not now, cancer forever at the front of your mind. I hope its just another strange lump that has popped up for a bit and then will go away.

If it turns out that he is clear, what then? As he said, does the pain in his ear, neck and head go away there and then? Will they look into it if it dont? I cant answer his questions anymore. Im so afraid that it is back. I cant help thinking the worst anymore, how will he cope if it is back? Would he have chemo if offered? Could I cope watching him suffer anymore? I suppose we block it out of our daily lives, the cancer I mean. Dont want to dwell on it, too easy for it to consume us (Dave and me). Then it comes back to kick you up the arse. Lets get this day over without falling out again, please :(

Lost all track of my thoughts now, must be tired or in need of a cuppa.


OMG what a selfish blog, sure am feeling sorry for myself. Sorry but posting anyway, have spent over an hour between tears writing it. x x x x

  • FormerMember

    You're not selfish. Just scared like me and probably everyone else on here. You have described the fear, panic, reality of how you are feeling and I can relate to all of it.

    I'd like to give you a cuddle and make it all go away.

    But I know you are coping. You manage to give advice and help others on here whilst you are having the worst time of your life. You're not selfish, just suffering.

    Today, try to turn all these feeings into the fighting feeling that you need to get through. I always feel much better when I have the fighting feeling inside.

    Thinking of you both today and sending you lots and lots of love.

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    Nanny b!

    Reading that post, that could have been me a few weeks ago! You have captured everything I think and feel some days! The only difference between me and you is that my husband was totally upfront about his diagnosis. he wanted to know the truth from the start. But everything else you said- I could relate too. You know you mentioned about the pan- well Steve always deals with the computer and we had one of those converstations of ' how are you going to deal with it when I am gone' and I said ' chuck it out and rely on the libruary!!!

    Also I got worked up one day with his mother! It was when he was in the middle of his chemo and she rang to find out how he was doing and I just said he was getting very tired and feeling a bit sick.- she turned round and said 'You make sure you take good care of MY son!!!!' I was speechless! It was when I put the phone down that I just exploded with tears!!! To myself. I harboured that comment for 8 months! Then one day Steve and I were talking and I told him what she said. I said to him 'Shes never ever recongised that I was the one that thought there was something wrong and got it diagnoised!' I took three months off work to get him through his op and first stage of treatment. She hardly set foot in this house, never asked if I needed help. Yet she had the nerve to tell me 'to look after her son!'. He did have a heart to heart with her about it. I think she now has twigged. Just because at the moment he's tumour free, hes got to have MRI scans for the rest of his life every six months, and his quality of life is GOOD, doesn't mean to say that we still don't worry about the fact that his brain tumour could come back any time.

    I hope everything goes well with the scan and biopsy today for him and YOU. The only people that really understand what carers are going through are carers! You are not selfish, you are totally normal!! Do let us know how the scan goes. Thinking of you very much there. You take care.

    Julie x

  • FormerMember

    Morning Nanny B, hope it will be a good one for you and David.

    No, you're not selfish, just human, and reaching the end of your tether by the sounds of it.

    Whatever happens today take a deep breath, and pick up your figting spirit again, I know you can get through this, and annoy your David by asking all the questions you need to have answered, including advice on 2nd opinions if necessary.

    Will be coming back later to see how things went, in the meantime I am sending hugs and prayers to you both.

    Maureen xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Shaz. Just read your blog and I really felt for you both, it's such a traumatic time and everyone goes through it at some time or other. As my hubby said when I was diagnosed with the mouth cancer - we are no longer in charge of our own lives anymore because we are in the hands of the surgeon and all the medical people involved along the way. Not to forget the ' Man Upstairs ' as I'm sure He has a hand in it all, too.

    My thoughts are with you just now as Dave should be having his biopsy and scan, stay positive. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    You have every right to feel sorry for yourself.  You and Dave have been through a horrendous time.  Oh and by the way, for 5 o'clock in the morning your spelling is pretty good!

    I'm SO hoping that the scan and biopsy give you both good news.  I'm tying myself up in knots keeping everything crossed.

    Caring, as I know too well, can be emotionally and physically draining and sometimes it feels like nobody cares except all my lovely friends on this site.  No wonder you're getting cross and throwing things around.  It's exactly what I feel like doing but I can't because I think it would frighten the poor old lady downstairs!

    Come and have a good SCREAM on here when you're feeling stressed or take Little My's advice and say naughty swear words.  I bet you know a few.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x