Rotten week

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Its been a while since i posted but at this time things are not good.My mum died on Monday she had BC  and was 96 yrs old .Will miss my visits to here which has been every 3 mths as we lived miles apart...

On Thurs we needed to be back home as Alan had his Hosp chk up,two days before he mentioned a new lump so docs have been told and hes on watch and wait for 6 weeks .

He finished RT end of March so i am praying hard that this is not what we think it could be.

My son became ill while we were away so has come home for a few days as he finds it hard to cope with things at times he has Aspergers .

So feel the world has caved in on me at present .


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nanaboo - it's been a while since I posted or commented on here, although I do check in every few days or so.   I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, and Alan's new lump too.  I know how worrying every new lump, or pain is.  And everything does seem to all come at once, doesn't it?    I'll be watching for your blogs to see how Alan is, and I hope your son's ok too.   Lots of love, Jeanie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beccar,

    Not sure I even have the right to comment on the effects of loosing such an obvious outward sign of Womanhood, but that usually never stops me. a mere technicality !!

    I really do understand where you are coming from, You are at a point in your life when you enjoying the real purpose of Boobies, providing comfort and nourishment to a younger child that must be a beautiful experience.

    You question the feeling of your Mum looking down and feeling incomplete. Maybe I can suggest a different line of thought without causing offence? Your Mum will be able to look down at her grandchild, something that may not of been possible without the surgery. I bet that if you asked her to choose, Boobie or many years of enjoying her grandchild I know which way she would vote ?

    There is also corrective surgery to reconstruct her lost asset, so maybe look at what she has has now gained not what she will not have ? There are many friends on here who have been there and can offer help, support the knowledge of their experience to you and your Mum, not trying to minimise the trauma in any way and do understand your position.

    Hope your Mum copes with her treatment and that she has many years of enjoying her, yours and her grandchild's. life and in the meantime enjoys her pre-surgery retail therapy !!

    love and hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nanaboo,

    My thoughts are with you and your Family tonight. I was so sorry to hear about your Mum may she R.I.P. Hope Alan

    and your son start to improve.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    So sorry pasted the wrong post to here - what a compleaet Toss*r Condolence on the loss of Your Mum, know she was 96 - but it still hurts - so sorry for my cock-up


    J xx