Race for life

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I am registered to do the Race for life at Sutton ,a friend has been trying to get it done for a week with no luck .So she phoned them today only to be told no its full .So i am having to register again so we can do it together . Thankfully she has offered to pay it for me. Super sunny day washing is on the line.
  • FormerMember

    I too am registered to do the Race for Life, but in Crystal Palace, doing it with our daughter who is the cancer sufferer. She was going to do it locally, but as we are away then and her work also got in the way, she changed her date and as we are then back, I said I'd do it too, with her!

    she is maybe even thinking of doing a bit of jogging, at which i said we'd definitely get parted, I'm going to be walking probably all the way!

    best wishes, H xxx