
Less than one minute read time.

I told you about the hearing aid down the Toilet . Today another  disaster.

I was getting stuff out the back box on the van. As I walked round the back I walked into a really thick clingy Cobweb. I was pulling it out of my hair and off my face. It was like elastic. Out the corner of my eye I saw this big brown striped spider running along my shoulder. Panic.

So what did I do. I dropped every thing,  struggled to rip off my jumper.

What else came off. Yep you’ve guessed it. my glasses flew off but I was to busy looking for that spider in my hair? I just happened to stand on my glasses.

Now metaphorically speaking they too are down the pan ,I’ve broken them. I just can’t be trusted to do anything right.

  • Thursday I am filled with admiration for your quick response on seeing the huge spider when faced with such a monster many would not be so quick in their reactions they would freeze.So whipping off your jumper which unfortunately took your glasses is a bit well a lot of a disaster really but in the face of such an attack what else could you have done.Im not quite sure how your hearing aid found its way to the bottom pardon the pun of your toilet but it does seem that you are now blind as well as deaf so I hope you had a spare hearing aid and pair of glasses.I hope you have some better and less eventful days in future big hug Cruton xxx
  • Sorry I called you Thursday and I do have my glasses so no excuse x
  • FormerMember

    Hello Cruton.

    Some days its just good to laugh at adversity. Your  comment above I just had to read out loud to my wife, I couldnt do it all in one go  because we were both laughing. Thank you for such a cheerful  post. My aid by the way found its way  down the loo was as I  flushed I turned to wash my hands and pulled my glasses off this flicked off my aid. I watched it helplessly disapear.

    So yep  deaf and blind sounds about  right.