Side effects to MM treatment

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Just been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. I had never even heard of it before I got the news, and everything just seems to have happened in a rush, 3 weeks from diagnosis to start of treatment! Hubby is typing this as, at the moment, I'm feeling crap and he can type faster than me! I'm on day 6 of treatment and just had the Zometa injection on Friday. Has anyone else had this as I was feeling OK prior to it but now I'm feeling very light headed (spinning head), very nervous, lethargic, tired but can't settle to sleep and a bit sickly too. I'd been on the steroids before ( the doc said I had Giant Cell Arteritis and further tests found the MM ) so I know it's not those (and they're only for 4 days on 7 off) so the Zometa is the only thing I can think of. Mainly though the dizziness and lethargy. Is this normal? I'd be grateful if anyone could confirm or has similar feelings. Also any info I should know as basically we got a load of booklets given to us and told to ring up if we had questions. Thanks in advance, Etta
  • FormerMember

    Morning Etta

    Welcome to Mac-world - though I'm sorry that you have a need to be here........

    Don't know if I'll be able to offer any help/advice - but my hubby has MM and has had it for over 10 years - although he's only been having any kind of treatment for the past 4 years......Prior to that it was 'watch and wait'.........

    You say you are on day 6 of treatment - I assume this is chemo - if so which one as there are several on the go just now?!!!  Zometa in itself is a 'support' (according to info we were given and my own online research) in that it is given to strengthen your bones as MM can affect bone structure.  I asked my hubby how Zometa affects him and he says that he doesn't feel lethargic or any of the symptoms you describe (maybe a bit light-headed but  that soon passes).  But that's not to say it isn't the cause of your problems as we are all different and meds affect us all in different ways!!! 

    Are you on different steroids to the ones you had previously??  This could be a cause....but I'm only guessing here............I'm not an expert in any of this but have learned a lot over the past few years!!!!  My advice would be to talk to your Haematologist/Consultant as he/she will know what is causing you to feel as you do.........

    I hope you soon find an answer and begin to feel a bit better......... Stay positive.................

    Best wishes

    Dot xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Etta, Ask your doc/nurse to slow down the Zometa infusion. Often if given too quickly it can cause unpleasant symptoms. Unfortunately its a bit of trial and error for each person to find their right "dosing time". Start at 30 min and keep increasing the time until you find you are comfortable afterwards. Novartis makes this drug and you could call them for advice as well. 
