just a quick hello

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Hi my name is erica im married and been told i have breast cancer. I never thought it would happen to me as im coming up 30 yrs in july i dont really know how im feeling tbh i keep pushing my.husband.away n im scared bout everything i dont eat much anymore and i dont knoe how to tell my close friends i have it cause im weak most of time i have had no treatment but im depressed as my hair has fallen out. I dnt like tellin my hubby i how i feel cause he feels horrible coz he couldnt protect me. I feel so alone. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Erica, Sorry to see you joining the club no one wants to be in. It's certainly plays with your head at first your emotions will be all over the place. 

    Why don't you come over and visit the Breast Group you certainly won't feel alone there are loads of us there who can help you through this with friendly advice and support.

    Just click the green text link, read some of the posts and replies then if you join just select  'new discussion' to post a message with a bit more info as an introduction. 

    Take care Erica, look forward to meeting you, George & Jackie (breast group)

  • FormerMember

    Erica, both my mother and her sister had breast cancer, which they both survived, my husband had lung cancer, which he didn't survive.

    Do as Dreamthief suggests and join the breast cancer group. There are plenty enough people with experiences who can help you through it all.

    As for your husband, I know how he feels. I felt impotent in the face of Laing's lung cancer. In the past, anything that was wrong, we got a prescription from the doctor or an over the counter medication. This was something different. But when Laing told me of his diagnosis, my immediate response was, we are in this together. I loved him more in those short ten months than I ever had before. You know, it's amazing how resilient we human beings can be.

    My mother had a mastectomy, and radiotherapy and pills which kept her alive, and my father stood by her until she died nearly 20 years later from a medical condition not related to her breast cancer. 

    You guys can do it too.

    Best wishes to you both
