Had the dreaded ops

3 minute read time.

Well monday arrived as they often do following sunday and it was time for my ops. dont know why i was so scared other than i was to be awake during the ops. Im very squeamish at best and just the thought of what they had to do was freakin me out, i know lots of you on here have had far far worse invasive surgery but hey i guess we all cope (or not) in our own way.

Anyway got the preston royal which is like a whole village so after three drives around the site we finally got a car space near the entrance. inside was huge so much so they have a shopping area rather than a friends shop as blackpool does!!! Design wise well the wards are the furthest possible away from  the door naturally so a hike to the ward. We got there okay and were told there would be a wait. so we did. and we did then i was seen by a nurse who took swabs and blood pressure which for the first time ever was normal yihaaaaaaa. It is then the nurse realised that my nice new file actually contained somebody elses info. so it was swiftly removed.was this to be an omen?????????????

after nearly 4 hours it was my turn well by now i was a shaking wreck. theyu explained wot they were going to do. so i was put on an operating table and a beep machine attached to my finger and they started to cover my face with towels and then injected well he did warn it would sting who are they kidding it flippin hurt. but then the aneasathetic ept squirting all over at which point the surgeon informed me that as it was an ulcer everytime he injected the liquied just shot out of my face lol well it was on hindsioght but at the time it was horrible so had to have lots of injections to the tune that i looked like capser the ghost afterwards. anyway he started tuggin and pulling and cutttin it was weird being awake whilst they were cutting my face open.they then used a buzz machine (their words not minelol) to try to stop the bleeding followed by oh your blood pressure is high and your pulse is racing ................er any guesses why?????????eventually he finishes and moves to my toe whilst the nurse cleans up the blood great!!! she then uses the wrong solution and it starts to burn my skin ( i have excema) so she has to re wash me and puts some strips over the stiches. in the meantime they are cutting my toe and decided that although it is to be left as an open wound they are going to stitch after all... so once finishes the nurse puts a dressing on it then the biggest bandage you have ever seen for the sympathy vote as she put it. They are still concerned that my to will need further surgery and we have to wait for the biopsy results so have to go back next week to have stiches/bandages changed.


so an eventful funny at times day. im suffereing now as the face is the left side and you guessed the toe is right side so to sleep i have to sit in a ve shape as i have to elevate both my head and toe so not comfy.but at least the painkillers are knocking me out lol lucky hubby has been off to help with the baby as have the eldest ones. just been round the illuminations and had a chippy supper so that was nice even if the little un slept through most of it typical.

so we are waiting now for the results which hopefully will show nothing nasty,

and if nothing else im ready for halloween



