my sons story so far

  • 14th june 2011


    James home today after his radiotherapy woohoo looks and feels better away to his gf for the nite xx 

  • 10th june 2011


    10th june 2011 James went for his chemo but they didnt give him it on hold for now as he has a lot of nerve pain the tumour on his spine is pressing on some nerves so 5 days of radiotherapy on the go now so he has been admitted again xxx 


  • 8th june 2011


    Nurse was in today to take james blood for his chemo on fri and is going to see bout getting him his own wheelchair so we can get him out and bout x 

  • from day one


    Hi all thi is the story so far 

    1st jan 2011    James took ill had pain in his chest called nhs 24 to be told its prob muscular had it a few days then dissapeared 4 weeks later it came back again went to the doctors who took blood test and sent for chest x-ray rsults came back 1 week later normal so thought nothing of it .

    7th april 2011  back to the docs again as hes loosing weight and no feelin the best pain back again…