My Sisters Leukaemia

1 minute read time.

Im gutted! My sister has been poorly now for 12 months. It started off by her feeling a little bit tired, she went to the doctors and found out she had MDS (Pre-Leukaemia) a type of blood cancer. They started off putting her on chemo called Vidarsa for 6 months. It didn't work and then developed to leukaemia (AML). They then started her on a stronger intense chemo and she had to stay in hospital for about 4 weeks. When the chemo was finished she looked great and we thought she was getting better, until she got rushed back in to hospital ill again. The chemo didn't  work. They started her on another set of chemotherapy and it knocked her for six. She was on every antibiotic you could imagine but they just wouldn't kill her infections. Then about 4 weeks ago the doctor came in to see her to tell her its terminal and she only has weeks left to live. She has two children aged 4 and 18 months old. Life just seems so unfair, she's only 28. My mum rang and told me and since then I have been living with my sister and looking after her. I am missing my little girl because I have to leave her at her with her dad and my sister lives about 80 miles away. I am at home now but just really tired. I just feel really guilty leaving her. My mums with her but, we are like best friends and I want to be with her when it happens. She is really scared and depressed I don't know what to say to her any more. :-(

  • FormerMember

    Hello Unitex

    I am so sorry you and your family find yourself in this situation. cancer is a terrible cruel beast , not only to the patient but to the family as well.

    You truely sound like a wonderful loving sister, who is doing her best for her sister.  I know first hand how hard it is to live away from a loved one, I myself am trying to look after my own family and also visit my dad over 100 miles away who has terminal cancer.

    I know no words can help with your pain at the moment. All I can say is just being there, as often as you can will be a great support to your sister.

    Look after yourself too, be strong.

    thinking of you and your family

    love tj

  • FormerMember

    Hi Unitex]

    I am so sorry to read about your sister, You are doing as much as you possibly can to be with her but it is not always possible to be there 24/7 especially when you have your own family and live so far away. I do know how you are feeling as I lost my husband to this dreadful disease last year. When they said she has weeks it is like getting knifed in the heart, Your mum is with her are you able to go if they need you to, do you have childcare arranged for when that time comes. I am sorry if you think these questions are being harsh but having dealt with it I know from experiance. I was lucky enough to be able to spen my husbands last 4 weeks in hospital with him but my family are grown up and I had no other ties to keep me away. Try and arrange for someont to have your daughter at very short notice that is about as much advice as I can give you at the moment. Are you still able to speak to your sister. try Skype if you dont have it insatll it on your computer. And get you mum to take photos every day because although she may look very ill in them they will bring you comfort when she is no longer with you.


    My love and thoughts are with you and your family

    Love Teri





  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the advise! My sister was sent home the day after they told her it was terminal. We have to give her medication now. At the moment she is still able to walk about a bit and talk to us. My only worry for her is that she refuses to take her pain relief tablets when she is in pain. She would rather feel the pain than be sedated. She said she can still hear everything around her but just cant move and doesnt like it. Instead she has entonox ( Gas and Air ). I have got a great family so my little girl has been well looked after. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Unitex,

    My thoughts are with you your sister and Family. Remember you are not alone there is always someone here to listen if you want to chat  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.