Steady As She Goes

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It has been a couple of days since posting so I thought I would drop in and post an update.

The good news is that there isn't much to report. Sal is very fatigued and spends all day resting in her chair at the moment but that is the bulk of the effects of chemo 2 at the moment. This is pretty similar to cycle 1 which didn't go wrong until she started taking the antibiotic on day 5. This time the oncologist has said that she should not take any antibiotic during days 5-9. They feel that this is probbaly the best way to go especially as they dropped the doxorubicin this time. They don't expect her white cell count to go anything like as low as last time. It does mean that we will need to be extra careful not to pick up any infection but hopefully it will mean that cycle 2 goes much better.

So, so far so good and steady as she goes.

Even if I don't post a blog entry I will continue to do daily updates to the Latest News on the right of the web page so keep looking in.
