My mums been diagnosed with I curable lung cancer

  • Mums going down hill fast

    My mum is really poorly with lung cancer she now as oxygen at home constant she was on oramorph but was given mst or something resembling that name today the pain as been constant all weekend and she looks so ill so worried I think she may be coming to the end of her life anyone what this mst is x
  • mums last chemo today


    mum as had her last iv chemo today for small cell lung cancer now await scan hope its shrunk she is eating and putting weight on hope this is all good signs ,bit of a downer on Monday as oncologist said her lungs prob would not stand up to radiotherapy but she as to have lung function test to see this is her 6th session of chemo today just hope we get to keep her with us a lot longer its been a very emotional journey…