Wednesday September 15th - Another fall narrowly avoided, I think!

Less than one minute read time.

Woke up half an hour ago as I heard a noise from mums room.  Shot up out of bed and went into find her perched on the edge of the bed.  I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was going to use the commode so I hoisted her up and helped her round and then back to bed.  I think she was actually still asleep and I noticed as I helped her back into bed that the bed rail had been pulled up onto the bed frame.  Not sure what had happened but it must have been that being pulled up and banging down that woke me up.  Thank goodness it did!

Can't get back to sleep and need to be up in two hours to go to work.  Will I go or won't I?

  • FormerMember

    What a shame - just as things sound more promising. At least she was planning to use the commode.

    I have been doing a bit of googling and the low sodium sounds very significant. However, the doctor is probably wise to be cautious about dosage - it seems to need fairly careful handlng. (One cause can be too high a fluid intake - may be why he was happy with her answer). From what you have written she does seem to be needing the loo quite frequently - have they tested her for urinary infections? Not only can they make older people confused, but also cause her to lose sodum by passing a lot of water. Her blood pressure could be low as a result too - have they been checking that?

    Christine sounds like she is worth her weight in gold! The next best option for treating/diagnosing your mum are the hospice nurses, but I doubt she would agree to that!! They can assess and visit at home with no need to go into the hospice at all and they are much more familiar with these kinds of conditions than GP's are. That's how it works in our area anyway.

    Fingers crossed that the sodum is sorted and life returns to normal. I have seen miraculous recoveries from elderly people seemingly very confused and weak who simply needed the right antibiotic for a urinary infection (very common) and it may well be something similar.

    Hope all goes well today whatever you decide to do. I have a good feeling that once Christine can advise the doctor on doseages things will really improve.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    So sorry you are going through such a worrying time with mum.  Evangeline has made some very good points there and hope you can get on top of the problem.  

    One thing I wondered may ease your mind, is we have an alarm mat under the mattress of mum's bed.  It has a portable key fob alarm which beeps if mum got out of bed (no use to us now, cos mum is unable to), but we got it off our MacMillan OT.   Have you tried the monitor?  Because you could ask mum to always call for you if she needs the loo, to prevent any falls.  

    Hope you're not too shattered and mum has a good day today.

    Look after yourself

    Nic x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to you both.  I'm afraid my cracks are starting to show.  I have cried non stop since I got home at lunch time.  Mum fell again and I just can't cope.  I'm at a complete loss.  Now the floodgates have opened I can't stop crying.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Caroline, I am so sorry.  I hope she didn't hurt herself.  This is such a difficult one isn't it.  Is it possible for you to ask for some compassionate leave, in the interim, until things settle down?  It is such a worry, no wonder you are in floods of tears, its such a distressing situation, especially when you are working full time.  

    I wish there was more I could say to help, but you know we are all here from you and will support you in every way.

    Take care

    Nic xx