Wednesday January 26th - Hope!?!

2 minute read time.

The saying goes ‘Hope springs eternal!’  People say ‘Don’t give up hope!’, ‘There is always hope!’ but how do we know?


I’ve said those very words many times before, sometimes to myself, sometimes to others who’ve needed reassurance and always believed them but what happens when you can’t see any hope?  When things feel hopeless?  When no matter how hard you try to convince yourself there is hope you no longer believe it?


I go back to my light at the end of the tunnel.  Once or twice I’ve thought I’ve seen a small chink of light at the end of my tunnel and this has given me hope but I’ve no sooner seen it and it’s snuffed out.


When my mum was first diagnosed I believed there was no hope but then the treatment got rid of the cancer.  It was a miracle and my hope was restored.  Throughout the following months I held onto this hope, I let it grow and shine brightly at the end of the tunnel.  Even when mum had a bad day I held onto my hope and believed in it wholeheartedly, at least to begin with, but then my hope began to fade as I sensed something wasn’t quite as it should be.  On October 14th 2010 my hope was snuffed out once again.  Since then I have tried to find my light at the end of the tunnel, my hope, but although I’ve seen the occasional chink of light my hope is not yet springing eternal! 


I've been reading all the positive posts on this site and can’t fail to admire the positivity of those battling with this awful cruel disease; patients, carers, family and friends alike.  I think of the positive, hopeful, posts I made when mum was going through treatment.  If I had a penny for the number of times I've told people ‘anything’s possible’ (as wee Charly Johns says) and told them not to give up hope.  Now I look at my posts and find that they’re all so negative and I realise that’s not healthy on a site like this where people are looking for hope that everything will be ok.


So tonight I’ve decided that this will be my last blog until such times as I can contribute positively again to this community.  I don’t know when this will be but I hope it won’t be too long!  Thanks to all of you on here for the support you’ve given me over the past 15 months.  XX   



  • Caroline,

    I understand that you don't want to post your thoughts when you are feeling hopeless as I too feel that all I post is negative and therefore I don't blog much. I now feel the need to turn that idea on it's head having read your latest blog.I have felt guilty that I don't write inspiring words to uplift others but in reverse in no way would I ever want anyone to feel that I didn't care about them and how they feel .You should know that I read much of what you write and really feel for you, I also admire and respect you so much for the love that you have for your Dear Mum and the way you cared for her in her final months. That is in no way negative - it is a true encouragement that there is such a lovely person out there and part of the Macmillan group of friends.

    Please continue to post whatever is on your mind - this is what the forum is about  and it is here for you as much as anyone else.

    With Love

    Cathie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I think there are so many different reasons people come on to this site,I have followed your blogs and some of the recent experiences mirror mine,it helps to know others are going through the same and come accross the same obstacles.Please don't stop your posts or at least don't stop being part of the "family"

    All my best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Thanks to all of you for being so supportive.  I'm just having a bit of a meltdown at the moment.  Blogging does help me to put into words what I'm feeling without having to say it out loud but I'm just worried it may put people off coming onto the site if they read something so full of negativity.  Anyway thanks to all of you; Mac friends old and new I have decided when I need to blog I will BUT maybe each blog needs to carry some sort of Health Warning or Rider!  What do you think?

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline, please keep blogging if it helps you. You have supported others selflessly in the past, now it's time for you to be on the receiving end of some caring support. Keep on hoping, Val XXX