Tuesday October 5th - Mum's home!

1 minute read time.

Mum came home at 10am this morning.  She is very shaky, obvously nervous, and I struggled to get her even to take a couple of little steps to  the commode at first.  We've now done it 2 or 3 times and she has managed better each time.

I rung the district nurse this morning and they're coming out tomorrow.  I also rung rapid response as I'm keen to get a stand aid and a portable ramp.  They will come out sometime this week and do a review. I also asked for a home visit from the GP, asking that he didn't discuss prognosis etc.  What did he do?  The guy is such a plank!  Anyway I told him mum hadn't asked Dr Mehta and we didn't think it would be helpful to know.  He told mum we'd hopefully be able to keep her at home but that we could never say never.  I told him we could say NEVER to a return to the hospital and clarified no matter what she will NEVER go back in there again.  From now on it will be home or hospice.  He also said he will ring Tony Eaton who is the Marie Curie nurse based at the hospice and make sure he is on the case.

Mum's biggest concern is her tremors in her hands.  This is something she has had for a long time but has gotten a lot worse and is affecting her whole body, causing great difficulty, in particular, when eating and drinking.  She asked him for diazepam which she's had in the past and he said yes as we now have nothing to lose in her having them.  Nice thing to say but at least she got them.  If this helps settle the tremors down she'll be much happier, so praying that they work.

Mum has just had her meds and her lunch and is now in bed for a nap.  I am using the time to write this blog and relax a bit.  Thanks to all of you for your continued support. XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

                      Well done getting mum home. Hope you continue to get all the support you need so that you can spend some quality time together.

                        Love and hugs to you both,

                                       lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

                      Well done getting mum home. Hope you continue to get all the support you need so that you can spend some quality time together.

                        Love and hugs to you both,

                                       lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    A quick update.  It's been a far from relaxing day as mum is terribly constipated.  You may remember I first brought this to the attention of the ward on Friday as mum hadn't been to the loo in days.  She has diverticulitis so would normally have movicol if she went even a couple of days without going.  I asked if she could have some, they said yes but never did anything about it.  I asked again on Saturday and then on Sunday brought one from home.  On Monday I mentioned it again, explained that her haemeroid was bleeding and asked for her to be given something.  She came home today still having had nothing to help.  I gave her a movicol at around 11am as she couldn't go.  I, then gave her 6 spoonfuls of lactalose and finally at 6pm tonight I gave her a dulcolax.  She has been so distressed and in so much pain.  She has gone a little tonight but is completely worn out as she's been on and off the commode every 15 mins since about 3.15pm.  This is yet another cock up by the hell hole they call Royal Blackburn Hospital.  If they had been doing their job they would not have let this happen and mum could have enjoyed her first day home instead of getting more and more upset.  I am absolutely livid but, hopefully, now she's home we will get it sorted.  If she doesn't go by tomorrow morning I will ring the district nurse as mum feels she may need an enema, not nice but perhaps necessary.  Sorry to go on about my mums bowels, not the nicest topic for discussion but I know you people can cope with it and I needed a rant!  

    Mum went to bed at just after 7pm and is sleeping at the moment.  I will wake her at 10pm for her meds and then settle her down before falling into my bed, positioned next to hers in the dining room.  I doubt I'll get much sleep as I am worried I won't hear her if she needs me.  I had this sussed before she went into hospital but think it will take a couple of days to get back into my routine.  

    My aunt and uncle are coming back down on Friday until Wednesday which will be a great help and will allow time to get hospice at home etc. sorted out.

  • You are such a wonderful daughter... any chance you could adopt me? lol!

    Cyber hugs to you and your mum,


  • FormerMember

    Caroline so pleased that you have your mum home where you know that she will be cared for

    alsp hope that you get some movement on the bowel front huge hugs to you all