Tuesday October 5th - Mum's home!

1 minute read time.

Mum came home at 10am this morning.  She is very shaky, obvously nervous, and I struggled to get her even to take a couple of little steps to  the commode at first.  We've now done it 2 or 3 times and she has managed better each time.

I rung the district nurse this morning and they're coming out tomorrow.  I also rung rapid response as I'm keen to get a stand aid and a portable ramp.  They will come out sometime this week and do a review. I also asked for a home visit from the GP, asking that he didn't discuss prognosis etc.  What did he do?  The guy is such a plank!  Anyway I told him mum hadn't asked Dr Mehta and we didn't think it would be helpful to know.  He told mum we'd hopefully be able to keep her at home but that we could never say never.  I told him we could say NEVER to a return to the hospital and clarified no matter what she will NEVER go back in there again.  From now on it will be home or hospice.  He also said he will ring Tony Eaton who is the Marie Curie nurse based at the hospice and make sure he is on the case.

Mum's biggest concern is her tremors in her hands.  This is something she has had for a long time but has gotten a lot worse and is affecting her whole body, causing great difficulty, in particular, when eating and drinking.  She asked him for diazepam which she's had in the past and he said yes as we now have nothing to lose in her having them.  Nice thing to say but at least she got them.  If this helps settle the tremors down she'll be much happier, so praying that they work.

Mum has just had her meds and her lunch and is now in bed for a nap.  I am using the time to write this blog and relax a bit.  Thanks to all of you for your continued support. XX
