Tuesday November 2nd - Work worries!

4 minute read time.

As many of you will know my boss has been so supportive throughout my mums illness.  During the last 12 months I have been able to come and go as I want, going in to teach lessons and then coming home to mum.  I attended every appointment mum had including all her chemo and RT.  When mum went into hospital on September 21st I was put on compassionate leave and haven't been back to work since.  My boss came to see me on the Monday after mum died and I made it clear that my intention was that I would aim to be back in January.  The girl who's covering for me at work, and who is a good friend, had warned me that my boss wanted me to get straight back after half term, which was last week, as she thought it would be the best thing for me.

Yesterday I emailed my boss to re-iterate my plan to return after Christmas and to ask if I should now visit my GP and get him to sign me off.  I clarified that I was really grateful for her support and that I understood that she could not continue to offer that level of support indefinitely.  I also said that I could see that she might think it better for me to get back sooner but that I just don't feel strong enough.  As yet she has not responded but I phoned my friend at lunch time and she told me that my boss had asked to speak to her early yesterday morning, before I sent the email, to say she thought it would be better to get me back sooner and that she was going to try and get me to come back in December.

At that point I dissolved in tears and had to hang up.  The problem is my boss lost her mum a couple of years ago and was back in school about 2 days after the funeral and one or two other colleagues have been similar recently.  Obviously that was the best way for them but everyone's different.  I have some big anniversaries coming up before Christmas and I just can't contemplate going back to what is a very challenging environment while I feel so vulnerable and unstable.

I've never been good at this time of year as my dad died on December 19th 1983 and his funeral was on Christmas eve.  When everyone else is in party mode I usually descend lower and lower as I approach Christmas and I know this year is going to be even harder.  She has been so good to me and that makes it even harder so that I am worrying about it constantly.  Having just found out that she has spoken to Suzanne about me has upset and angered me.  How dare she speak to someone else about me.  Surely she would have been better to speak to me?

Now I don't know what to do.  Do I go to my GP and ask him to sign me off sick now?  Is she right should I go back sooner?  Do I even want to go back at all?  I have given almost 20 years of my life to that place.  I was 100% career woman, moving up the ranks to Assistant Head, through sheer hard work and commitment to the kids.  I spent hours and hours of my own time running clubs and trips in the UK and abroad, in fact,  I am due to take 90 kids to Disneyland Paris in May next year.  I have always loved my job but when mum was diagnosed my priorities changed.  During the last 12 months I have struggled to cope with the daily challenges I have faced at a school, in one of the most deprived areas of the country, where so many of the kids have huge emotional baggage.

Recently I have even thought that perhaps a career change was be a good idea.  My present job affords me a very comfortable lifestyle but money isn't everything. I watched some wonderful people caring for my mum in her final days and have even thought that maybe that's what I should be doing. I've always said I could never nurse or care for someone but now that I've cared for mum for 12 months I think I could do it, that I might even be good at it, and that it would be very rewarding.  I don't mean train to be a nurse but to be a care assistant or something similar in a hospice or in the community.  Something I have also thought about for a long time is fostering.  I love kids but have never met the right person and so have none of my own but I feel I could offer youngsters a caring home where they could flourish and I've seen many kids at school who are in care and who would benefit from love and stability.

As you can see there's a lot going on my head and I'm old enough not to make rash decisions.  I just need time and space.  Other people have told me that going back to work, immediately after losing a loved one, has been a good thing as it's given them a focus other than their loss and I can appreciate that, but I did that when I lost my dad and suffered a complete meltdown 5 years later as a resul,t so I'm not going to go down that road again.

Oh well yet another rant.  I am in absolute turmoil and just don't know what to do but do know that work worries should not be my priority at the moment so I need to get it sorted as a matter of urgency.  I hope she contacts me soon so that I can deal with it and then put it away.  Only then will I be able to give myself time to come to terms with my situation and work though my grief.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

           I teach in a primary school and know just how hard the job is even when you are 100% fit.. If you do not feel you are ready you must not go back,  don't let the head bully you into returning too soon. Getting a sick note from the doctor should not be difficult. If you are in a union let your branch secretary know what is going on (it's always good getting union advice.) The other option is to ask to see Occupational Health and discuss a phased return to work.

    Take care

    Love, Kath xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Having lost my grandad 8 years ago on dec 1st i too find the approach of advent daunting, I hate getting the calendars but have to for the kids.

    And if you feel your not ready then thats good enough for me and yes I would speak to your GP and firstly, your boss yourself.

    Your friend may be well meaning but try not to stress til you speak to her yourself, things passed on second hand may vary from what was actually said. So I hope your Boss gets in touch soon, maybe ask to see her. And I would stress to her that if she has concerns or questions then to contact you, not your friend.

    As for career change, i think thats what the extra time can be used for, to assess what you really want to do, dont make any rash decisions by feeling backed into a corner. Also even when you do go back, you can still change your mind if its not working.

    Good luck

    Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to you all.  How I wish people understood the way you all do but they don't.  I've had a constant stream of texts from work colleagues/friends tonight and it makes me wonder if my boss asked them to make contact to test the water.  Of course it may be nothing of the sort but I haven't heard from them since the funeral and suddenly they're all texting at once.  I intend to get up in the morning and phone for an appointment with my GP when they open at 8.15am.

  • FormerMember

    Hi caroline

    I have followed your posts/blogs when your mum was so ill and have so much praise for all you did for your mum, you could not have done anymore and it is such a void when they go.

    I was in a similar situation last year, lost my mum, went back to work 4 days after her funeral but that backfired and ending up having a month off then it was Christmas, not the best time anyway cos my dad died too on 19th December 2003 and I couldn't cope , had another 2 months off.  I don't want to keep on about my story but wanted you to know that my work reacted the same as yours have, the boss was constantly emailing me asking when i was returning, I had to keep saying I wasn't ready but they did not really understand, when i did go back on staged return, they thought I was 100% but I was far from it.  So I just wanted to say, as others have, don't be bullied into going back, you can always contact ACAS for advice on this too.  I know it is a tough time for you and know to some extent how you feel, but those that care will understand. I hope you do get to see your GP this morning.  Take care.  denise. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celi, not going to tell you what to do, but I do think you should take time out for yourself and allow yourself permission to do so.

    Maybe it was wrong timing when you went back to work, and yes I agree you can get either signed off with depression or stress even if it is only your emotional stability that you are concerned about. You will probably know that certain signs of depression do come from emotions; How we feel, determines our thoughts and behaviour. I do think that you feel particularly vulnerable at the moment.  Could it be that your work colleagues are genuinely glad to see you and making contact? Wheras before, they may well have felt as if they were intruding. It is a sign of strength not weakness to ask for help and you know as well as I know just how strong a person you really are inside.  You have been dealing, coping with such a lot and now it is time for you.

    I hope you are able to make a more positive decision on whether you want to use your skills to carry on teaching or be a Carer in a Nursing home etc.  Circumstances and events in our lives can determine our future and it is never to late to change career if that is what you want to do.

    My hubby was a lorry driver for many years, then all of his colleagues and him got paid off re loss of contract from the company they were working for. He hated being unemployed and the Job Centre offered him a job as a porter in a hospital. 9 years later he has been working full time as an auxillary nurse and loves it. He has become more understanding of people, more caring and more people oriented than ever before. (He did not realise just how isolated his lorry driving had been.)

    All because his circumstances changed. Hope this helps some. But give yourself some time at the moment as everyone is different , but also give yourself a pat on the back and a treat now and again, for you deserve it. Take Care Luv Donna xxx