Thursday November 4th - 3 weeks today and it's getting harder!

2 minute read time.

It's 3 weeks today since my wee mum passed away and I am feeling worse every day.  In some ways it seems like it was yesterday when I was looking after her, lifting her in and out of bed, feeding her her favourite apple muller rice and laughing with her about her wanting a BIG glass of milk while sitting on the commode, bless her.  At other times it seems like a life time away.  What I'd give to hear her ask for a BIG glass of milk again or to feel her hug me tight, give my back a wee pat, and give me a wee kiss on the cheek as I got her up out of her bed or her wheelchair.  The devastation I feel washes over me in waves and each time it's as if the wave is getting bigger until I feel I'm drowning.  She was so brave and so strong.  She never once complained about her cancer and never cried about it.  I still worry about whether she was scared towards the end but didn't say so to try and protect me.  Her wee body used to shake so much, even just lifting a cup, and I can't help thinking it was because she was so scared about what was happening.  I just hate the thought that she was scared but didn't feel able to confide that in anyone, especially me. 

My boss eventually rung me today, her timing is impeccable.  The upshot is she is referring me to Occupational Health.  I have actually only been signed off sick since yesterday so I don't think she should have done this so quickly.  She is just not willing to let me grieve and get over this in my own way or in my own time.  Ofcourse she says she's doing it to support me by getting me some counselling sooner but when I said I wasn't ready to talk to a counsellor yet, and had put the wheels in motion because I knew there would be a waiting list, she just said that now I have a sicknote for four weeks she has no choice but to refer me to Occupational Health.  So my grief, it would seem, is no longer mine.  I no longer have control over when and how to grieve.  I am angry that I am being pressured to deal with it in her time and in the way that she thinks is best.  Sorry but how the hell does she know what's best for me!?!  I need to be careful because I could happily tell her to stuff her job at the moment but I've worked too hard for too long to let that happen! 



  • FormerMember


    I have been following your blogs and I cannot believe the way your boss is treating you.I am off work at the moment as my husband has terminal oesophagus cancer,he was diagnosed about 15 months ago and in all that time my head has been brilliant about hosp appointments etc,this is the first time I have been signed off and it is for 6 weeks at the moment but there has been no mention of Occupational Health being informed so I cannot understand why your boss is bringing them in so soon.You need to take as much time as you need to grieve and should not be pressurised into anything you do not want.

    I wil be thinking of you and please don't give her the satisfaction of telling her to stuff her job.

    Lots of love and best wishes,

    Marianne xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline

    My heart breaks for you and I wish i could take the pain away. You need time to grieve and its been taken away from you. Nothing I can say or do hun will make you feel beter. Im helping dad now with his tea and its in a beaker as he shakes so much.I hope you find the strength to get through this terrible time. All my Love


  • FormerMember

    Aw bless him Teresa my mum had a beaker but couldn't manage to get it to her mouth, and in the hospital no one helped her.  So sad when you see your strong, 'invincible' parent losing their independence with the most basic of tasks.  Take care hun.  Love to your dad.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember


    Even if well intentioned, your boss’s behaviour is totally out of order.

    My own mother died suddenly some years ago, and I remember all too well the devastation my sisters and I felt at losing her.  It must be so much worse for you, having cared so lovingly for your mum throughout her illness.

    You have the backing of your GP. Your manager is not medically qualified to question his decision, not should she try.  

    If you do not want to speak to her, you could send her a note telling her that your doctor has said you will not be fit to return for some weeks yet.

    If you are a member of one of the teaching unions, you should be able to get some advice about occupational health referrals.  There  will be agreed  procedures to be followed; it may well be that your boss has “jumped the gun”.  You would almost certainly be entitled to have a union representative with you at any occupational health interview.

    Take care, and look after yourself; you know, and I am sure your mum did too, that you did everything possible to help her.

    Daffie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie,  I've emailed the union to ask how long you need to be off before referral to OH.  I have read on a few sites, although I can find nothing for my local authority, that it can be after 4 weeks of sickness.  She may argue that I've been off 6 weeks but I wasn't sick I was on compassionate leave that she gave me.  So I've only technically been sick since yesterday.  On other education sites I have read that anyone with stress due to work should be referred immediately but my stress is not due to work.  I'll wait and see what my union says and also what happens with the appointment she is organising.  I don't think I'll have any problem convincing OH that I'm not fit to work as I can't speak to anyone about mum without ending up in uncontrollable sobs.  She may have shot herself in the foot as there seem to be indications that OH may say I will be unfit to return to work for longer than I was intending to be off.  The two things that upset me most about the situation are that she spoke to Suz (breaking confidentiality) and that I no longer have control over my own grief.