Thursday November 4th - 3 weeks today and it's getting harder!

2 minute read time.

It's 3 weeks today since my wee mum passed away and I am feeling worse every day.  In some ways it seems like it was yesterday when I was looking after her, lifting her in and out of bed, feeding her her favourite apple muller rice and laughing with her about her wanting a BIG glass of milk while sitting on the commode, bless her.  At other times it seems like a life time away.  What I'd give to hear her ask for a BIG glass of milk again or to feel her hug me tight, give my back a wee pat, and give me a wee kiss on the cheek as I got her up out of her bed or her wheelchair.  The devastation I feel washes over me in waves and each time it's as if the wave is getting bigger until I feel I'm drowning.  She was so brave and so strong.  She never once complained about her cancer and never cried about it.  I still worry about whether she was scared towards the end but didn't say so to try and protect me.  Her wee body used to shake so much, even just lifting a cup, and I can't help thinking it was because she was so scared about what was happening.  I just hate the thought that she was scared but didn't feel able to confide that in anyone, especially me. 

My boss eventually rung me today, her timing is impeccable.  The upshot is she is referring me to Occupational Health.  I have actually only been signed off sick since yesterday so I don't think she should have done this so quickly.  She is just not willing to let me grieve and get over this in my own way or in my own time.  Ofcourse she says she's doing it to support me by getting me some counselling sooner but when I said I wasn't ready to talk to a counsellor yet, and had put the wheels in motion because I knew there would be a waiting list, she just said that now I have a sicknote for four weeks she has no choice but to refer me to Occupational Health.  So my grief, it would seem, is no longer mine.  I no longer have control over when and how to grieve.  I am angry that I am being pressured to deal with it in her time and in the way that she thinks is best.  Sorry but how the hell does she know what's best for me!?!  I need to be careful because I could happily tell her to stuff her job at the moment but I've worked too hard for too long to let that happen! 



  • FormerMember

    Big(((((((hugs))))))) to you sweetheart xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline, I'm so sad for you. I hope you have some lovely friends nearby who can give you a real hug - all I can do is send a virtual one. Thinking of you, Val XX

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline

    I have been following your blog for some time.  I was so very sorry to hear about your tragic news.  What a wonderful daughter you have been.  The toll that your months of caring have taken on you, and your loss, will be imeasurable.  Your love for your mum has been evident in every post.  

    For what it is worth, here are my thoughts on your current situation.  You need to get yourself signed off from your job until such time as you and your GP think you are fit enough to resume your role at work.   If Occupational Health are doing their job, that is what they will suggest to you.  They have no power to make decisions, but act as intermediaries in order to assess your situation.  Occupational Health will be on your 'side' and you might consider raising any concerns about your boss with them and make sure this is documented.   This will protect you, should you find yourself in another difficult situation with your boss or feel pressurised to return to work too soon.  But take care with this one ...

    I completely sympathise with your concerns about the 'public' nature of discussing this with strangers - I have just gone through the process myself, for the second time, and hated every minute of it.  

    Unfortunately, we live in a society which treats grief as an illness.  It may, to us now, feel like an illness but it is a universal human experience and I have been staggered by the way so many expect all of us just to pick up the pieces after a very short period of time - some of us can, and some of us can't.  

    Wishing you all the best,

    Grace xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline, just read about your utter sadness.  I know from reading your blogs/story how much you so loved your mother.  Your boss, yes is being insensitive but don't make any decisions about anything right now - you are grieving and will do so in YOUR OWN WAY - don't worry about work as they can't legally do anything.  When I was very ill with my breast cancer and  hospitalised I got so bad that in the end I wanted to die and I wasn't afraid - in fact I began to miss all those loved ones gone before me and wish I was with them.  It was quite surreal really as I was almost hoping to go very soon and the hospital thought I would be going as well.  What I'm trying to say is we are all afraid of death but when we are so ill and desperate fear doesn't come into it, only release - but that's only my feeling.  I sincerely hope your mum's passing was serene for her and she's with all her other loved ones.  Anyway, I'm going on and on trying to say something to help you and I think I'm babbling.  One day at a time Caroline and try and do something nice for yourself each day as  you deserve.  Annie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad on 15th October so I know how raw you are feeling at the moment. Like you say, it comes in waves. I felt ok today until I took my kids to dance. Someone came over to give me a hug and I broke down. My husband and kids couldn't understand why I was upset. As Grace says, not all people can pick up the pieces in such a short time. I hope

    I only joined this site last night and I have found a lot of comfort in the replies I have received so far. As for the work side, mine is the opposite. They haven't as much as rang me to see how I am. I wish they had as I wouldn't be feeling as angry as I do with them for their lack of support. How they expect me to go back and be part of the "team" is beyond me.

    I'm sure if you speak to Occupational Health they will give you all the space you need.

    I hope you feel some comfort in these posts. I do. Take care of yourself and keep using this forum. It will help.
