Thursday November 11th - Lost my wonderful wee mum 4 weeks ago today.

1 minute read time.

It's four weeks today since I lost my wonderful wee mum.  I know everyone says it but I'm going to say it anyway; she was the best wee mum anyone could ever wish for.

She was kind, considerate, selfless, extremely sociable and my rock.  If mum hadn't moved down to live with me in 1990 I would never have known any of my neighbours.  Mum had been used to being a good neighbour at home and continued this down in Darwen.  So much so that I'm now godmother to my nextdoor neighbours 3 grandchildren.  Even that makes me think that mum was making sure I would be alright when she passed away.  Gillian, Paul, Kieran, Charlotte, Naomi, Dave, Thomas, Joseph and Freya are now like my family, at least my English family, and that is a blessing.  I love them all to bits and if mum hadn't moved down here to live with me I doubt I would have ever gotten to know them other than to say hello.  I have so much to thank her for.

The trouble is I want to thank her but I can't.  I was sure I had said everything I wanted to before she passed away.  I told her how much I loved her, I told her not to worry about me as I'd be OK and I told her it was OK to go.  Why did I not say thank you?  I am what she made me and, yet, she thanked me constantly for looking after her, right up to the end but I can't remember thanking her.  Now all I can do is pray that she knows how grateful I am for everything she did for me in the 49 and a bit years I had her.

I will always love you mum, THANK YOU! XX 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I know what you mean about never saying it but I'm sure you showed it time and time again. I'm equally sure your Mum loved being with you as much as you did with her and knew how much you appreciated her.

    People 'say' many things but 'do' very little, give me a doer any day and you were certainly one of those.

    I believe actions speak louder than words and if that's the case your Mum 'heard' your thanks many times.

    Massive Hugs

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    I don't know if this will be of any help to you and I know you already blog but it may be worth a try. I think I remember reading somewhere about a grieving father who wrote letters to his daughter who had passed away. It was his way of communicating with her after she had gone and saying all the things he maybe didn't say when she was alive or that hadn't come to mind until after she had gone.  Maybe you could try this and have a special box to put them in? You could maybe put other things in there that remind you of your mum, like a fragrance or personal possession? It may be nice to start putting things together and you could even write about happy times together and all the good memories you have of her.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan,

    I so sorry to heard about your wee mum so my belated condolences to you.  I haven't been on here for quite a while.

    I love the way you have written about your mum and her personality and the person she was shines through, like I wish I'd known her.

    I think its natural that when we have lost someone close to us that we think and wished we'd said many things.

    But as others have said action speak volumes and chatting to you on cyber space tells me that you were a loving, caring and attentive daughter and I'm sure your mum knew this and bless her she let you know by saying thank - you.

    Its lovely hear of your other family who your mum first met, its funny how life is.

    I'm sure your mum is up there smiling down at you and wanting what us mum's want for our chldren and that is for you to be happy.

    Be kind to yourself and take good care.


