Thursday December 9th - My faith in humanity restored!

3 minute read time.

It's 8 weeks today since my mum passed away and I feel more raw now than when I lost her.  Issues around my return to work have made things a lot more difficult and many of you will know that I have given my boss bad press.  I have always said that I thought her actions were well intentioned but unfortunately her timing and unwillingness to answer my questions have left me feeling extremely anxious.

The latest concern was when she emailed me on Monday, immediately after the counselling session I had felt forced to have before I was ready, to tell me a welfare meeting had been arranged for this Friday at 12pm in school.  I know I have to attend the meeting as I checked with my union but I asked if it could take place at my house.  She emailed back to say that wasn't possible but offered to hold it in our 6th form building which is quieter and also said she would meet me in the car park.  Having spoken at length to a friend I emailed her again to ask if the meeting could be rescheduled at a time when it would be possible for her to come to my house.  I received the following reply:

Hi Caroline 


I am in a really difficult position - torn between my personal relationship with you, desperate to support you in the way you think best and my professional role.


Sorry for the confusion regarding policies, my fault entirely. Welfare meetings have to take place before moving on to the formal Sickness Absence Policy and should be within a time framework. This welfare meeting is later than it should normally be which is immediately after Occupational Health visits. I have to be seen to be starting the support process. Don’t get too hung up on processes. One step at a time!!  In line with our policy you are required to attend meetings and HR will push for going ahead and recording non-attendance if you do not turn up. 


I cannot stress to you enough that this really is an informal meeting that is meant to be supportive.  Please try not to get yourself worked up – see it as us meeting up for a coffee and a chat about how you are doing. Would it help if I try to book a room somewhere neutral like Crosshill? The fact that I have three cases on the go with HR makes it even more difficult in terms of having to be seen to be treating all staff equally in line with policy. I regret that this is all starting to sound very bureaucratic. Our meeting would not be – I promise!!  I am looking forward to seeing you and you know that I will continue to support you in any way that I can. Hopefully see you tomorrow. Take care


Colette XX

The first paragraph for me says it all.  I'm relieved that she has acknowledged our friendship and the difficulty with balancing that and her professional responsibility.  I had felt so hurt that someone I had considered a friend, and had been so close to, could turn against me and seem hell bent on making my situation even more difficult.  She hasn't handled it well and a lot of the upset could have been avoided but I now understand how difficult she has found it.  Misguided maybe, but certainly not malicious.  Although I am still anxious about going into school tomorrow I feel a bit better about it.  I will certainly give it a go.  I'll let you know how it goes.

  • FormerMember

    HI Caroline ((hugs))

    I am really pleased that you have finally got a reply in which the cards are laid on the table and Colette acknowledges not only your professional relationship but your friendship too.

    I am sure that it has been difficult for her and she has not handled it well, but what matters now is how it goes from here and that the outcome is one that is right for YOU. Hopefuly tomorrow will enable you to talk freely without risk of repercussions and let Collette see that you are still very much going through the grieving process and still very raw and vulnerable. If you are able to, go into the meeting without the barriers that we all put up when we are hurting and allow Collette to be the friend that she is and see the truth of your turmoil just now. I know that I try to protect myself from the hurt inside by not showing how it really feels inside my heart (except on here)  and I suspect that you are very much like me, but sometimes it is necessary to allow our vulnerabilities to show in order for those arround us to understand.

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and I really hope that it goes well and that you can begin to reaffirm your friendship on its rightful footing instead of the boss/worker relationship that has been of late. Sometimes it is easier face-to-face to convey what we mean, as in email it can often come across harshly and I really hope that you find  'compassionate Collette' tomorrow!!

    Love and (((BIG HUGS))), Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    So glad that things are feeling much clearer for you and wishing you well with your meeting.

    Massive hugs

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon, you are right about the barriers, exactly what I do.  I call it constructing my brick wall and when I do it I tend to come across as a hard faced, awkward Scot!  I don't like to expose my vulnerability in public places or in, perceived, threatening situations.  The fact that I'm aware of that, as is Colette, should help me to stop building the wall when the first layer of bricks begins to take its place!  I have already told Colette to give me a nudge if she sees it before I do.  Although I don't feel 100% about the meeting tomorrow, think it would be easier without the HR woman in the room, I do feel better about it and am hopeful that I will be able to control my panic and anxiety enough to make it into the building.  

  • FormerMember

    Think you and me are both too much like our beloved mums, Caroline, and have all of their traits!! I am the same when feeling vulnerable and can sometimes shut people out ( my mum almost never showed a vulnerable side before her illness as after having had a hard time with her first marriage (my real dad) and losing both her mum and dad within 6 months when she was only 32) she kept a lot within herself. Its funny, as my sister is totally open and unreserved ans very much a people person. I take much longer to let people inside my shell ( we joke that she was found under a gooseberry bush as I am so like mum and she is far more receptive to people. But this world needs all sorts.

    So tomorrow, remember your wee mum is with you in your heart, you are not facing this alone, and I will be with you in my thoughts. Try to forget that the HR woman is even there, and leave your trowel at home!!

    Love and ((hugs)) Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    As long as you feel better about the meeting, thats the main thing and you sound like you have more confidence in your friend. You will do whats right for you. All the best and good luck.

    Take care be safe and Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx