Thursday December 2nd - 7 weeks since mum passed away.

3 minute read time.

It's 7 weeks since my mum passed away and it is getting harder every day to cope with her not being here with me.  I love her so much it hurts and I have spent most of today sobbing.  At the moment I just can't see myself ever getting over this.

As many of you will know my absence from work has caused added distress as my boss referred me to OH within 24 hours of finding out I had a sicknote.  That was 4 weeks ago and yesterday my GP gave me another sicknote, this time for 8 weeks.  I've emailed my boss to let her know and a friend has been over to collect it and take it into school today at lunch time.  I didn't mention in my email that it was for 8 weeks and know she will go off her head when she sees it.  I also let her know that I've made arrangements to access the counselling she is funding and will begin this on Monday morning at 10.30am.  To be honest I don't feel ready to share my grief with anyone else yet as I feel so raw but I was advised by OH to go ahead with the appointment to keep my boss happy!  Why the hell it should be about keeping her happy I don't know.

My boss hasn't emailed me back yet but I'm sure once she gets the sicknote from Suzanne at the end of school today she will act quickly to arrange the welfare meeting she has been holding over my head for the last couple of weeks.  I am resigned to having to attend that but will ask if it can take place at my house as I don't want to go into school or any other council building she may suggest.  I'd much rather be on my home turf.

I have also had a phone call from Carol, the family support person, from the hospice and Paula, the complimentary therapy coordinator at the hospice.  I am going to see Paula on Tuesday morning to see what she can offer.  I think it's things like massage and reflexology.  I have also had a phone call from my PCT.  A woman rung to say that my GP had referred me for some counselling but that they didn't actually offer bereavement counselling (so why did he refer me I ask myself?).  She told me about a local woments centre and advised me to email and see if they could help.  She has also said she will put me on their list for counselling related to low mood and that they would be in touch.  I emailed the womens centre and they have got back to say that they can offer counselling.  There is a 6 week waiting list so if I can go in for an initial assessment next Tuesday afternoon they should be able to offer me some 1 to 1 bereavement counselling early in the New Year.  So I've also agreed to do that as my counselling from school amounts to 6 sessions and I'm not convinced that'll be enough.  I may as well keep my options open.

So it's 7 weeks today since mum passed away.  I have made every effort to access as much support as possible and, hopefully, at least some of it will help.  In the mean time I will let my tears flow as it can be quite cathartic although it is extremely painful at the time. 

Finally thanks to all my friends on here.  Your support has been like a warm blanket wrapped around me.  You are the ones who really do understand, you all know who you are!  God Bless.  XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    So sorry to hear your struggling but its clear to me that you are making every effort to help yourself, shame your boss doesnt.

    The thing is you cant fast forward grief , theres no quick fix, it takes as long as it takes and its different for everyone. You are doing really well so this is why i find your boss's attitude unhelpful, does she really think a few sessions and you will be "fine"?? and i think this pressure may lead you to believe that you're not coping. But you are - what you are feeling is totally understandable. You need the support of those around you so you can feel ready to take steps back to work so the current situation is making this harder for you.

    Your friends on chat are here to listen anytime

    take care


  • FormerMember


    Sending you love and cyber hugs.

    I am so sorry you have to cope with all the hassle from your boss.  Her attitude does seem uncaring especially as your doctor has signed you off.

    I do wonder if her hands are tied by "prcoedures" that she is obliged to follow.  

    I was a senior manager in the public sector for many years, and over that time, government dictats were brought in forcing us managers to behave in the same way your boss has in similar circiumstances to yours.

    Any procedures for "return to work" must have been agreed by the teaching unions.  If you have not already, I would check with your union rep that your boss is following those procedures. .

    I agree it would be a good idea to have any welfare meeting on your turf.  I aslo think you need to be supported by your union rep at the meeting.  Make sure that full notes are taken at the meeting and that you are given a copy, so you can pick up any inaccuracies.

    Sorry to sound gloomy, but making sure that everything is done according to the book may help you in any later dispute.

    Your counsellling sessions should be confidential between you and the counsellor.  It would be good to get confirmation that no report of your sessions will be made to you boss.

    I am so sorry you have the burden of worry over returning to work while you are still coming to terms with your loss.

    Take care Caroline,

    Daffie xxx

  • FormerMember


    I didnt post this earlier because i though that I didn't have any words to say that were going to make you feel any better. But then I realised that sometimes its not words we need, but to know that friends care about us. And I truly do xxx
