Sunday September 5th - Mum couldn't get out of bed this morning!

1 minute read time.

Here I am again in panice mode!  Back to work tomorrow and mums legs, and arms, seem to have got really weak in the last few days.  She is also sore from her fall on Friday night.

This morning mum came into my room and woke me up at around 8.30am, once I'm asleep I hear nothing!  She was soaking with sweat and asked if I could come and help her get dressed.  It turned out she'd been trying to get out of bed for 30 minutes.  She had been shouting on me and I hadn't heard her, some carer!!!  Each time she tried to get up her arms wouldn't push and she kept falling back onto the bed.  She had eventually got herself sitting but it had then taken her ages to stand up, the bed is pretty low.  She was so upset and I feel so guilty that I didn't even hear her shouting on me to help her!

We are pretty sure it's the steroids that are causing this and she is hoping to be off them within the next 3 weeks as they are being reduced every 10 days but she seems to be getting progessively weaker so quickly that I am really worried about leaving her alone.  Gillian, my friend from next door who mum thinks of more like a daughter, is at home tomorrow so I know she will keep an eye but after that mum will be on her own from about 7.30am until 4pm.  I think I'll ask Christine, mums nurse, if she can visit mum and just see what she thinks.  The problem is I'm not sure there is anything that can be done.  My nerves are shattered and I know mum is really scared, she's already  told me I'll have to get her up before I leave for work in the morning.  My boss has been so good during mums treatment etc. that I can't possibly stay at home.  People also don't undertand that even though she is NED she is still ill!  Thanks for reading my rant! XX

  • FormerMember

    PLEASE DON'T FEEL YOU NEED TO READ THIS!  Having written it I realise it's just me thinking out loud about the events of this weekend and getting straight in my head my plan of action!!

    Mum's just gone to bed and I'm not sure I'll get much sleep tonight as I'm frightened she'll try to get up and not be able to or get up to the toilet and not manage to get up the step.  I have put an armchair at the side of her bed that she can grab hold of to pull herself up and on the other side I've rigged up a kind of grab rail.  I actually put my wii fit step on a wooden board tonight and placed it in front of the step up to the bathroom and she managed to get into the bathroom unaided as it acted as a sort of half step.  I know you can buy these steps (bath steps in two, four and six inch heights) so if occupational therapy can't provide one I'll buy one.  We've moved it out of the way tonight as we agreed that she might forget it's there if she gets up in the middle of the night and could fall over it.  I am going to ask occupational health if we can get some grab rails outside the bathroom and outside the front door.  Mum is also happy to have a walking frame and maybe even one of those with wheels that has a seat on it.  Although she has clarified that it will only be short term until she's off the steroids and she gets her strength back.  I'm praying she's right!  I'll get them to come and assess her as soon as possible.  When she was first diagnosed they came and offered all sorts but she didn't need most of it then, just a stairlift because she got out of breath climbing stairs, nothing to do with weak legs!  They told us then if at any time we needed anything else just to ring them.  I'm getting mum up with me in the morning and then my friend Gillian from next door is coming in at 9am to take mum to the dentist so I know she'll be ok tomorrow morning.  She has promised to keep her mobile in her pocket and says she'll ring me throughout the day to let me know she's ok.  As usual she's worrying more about me than herself and is trying to put on a brave face and tell me she'll be absolutely fine but I know this weekend has really shaken her up.  After her nap this afternoon she did manage to get out of bed on her own even though I had told her to give me a shout when she woke.  She is a very stubborn woman! I'm also considering one of these panic buttons which is connected to the phone line.  I saw one today that will ring up to four numbers if it is pressed.  Again it's quite expensive but if they won't give us one I'll buy one.  Today should have been spent planning lessons for the rest of the week instead I have spent it researching every disability aid available on the planet!!

  • FormerMember

    Caroline, poor you! You sound like you have had such a stressful weekend, why do these things always come to light just when we need to be somewhere else!

    Sounds like you have managed to get some short term solutions, but I would definately contact the Ot and mac nurses in the morning and see how quickly you can get the necessary equipment fitted. Here in Edinburgh the council run a mobile alarm system attached to the phone which the person wears on a pendant round their neck and if they fall they push the button whick activates a central alarm - the respondant will contact you, another keyholder or the police if necessary. It is worth enquiring if there is anything similar available.

    Try not too worry too much, I know its not easy but it won't help you. I am sure that your boss would understand if you cannot leave your mum until you have peace of mind, after all, we all have Mums and I am sure that she would be the same in this situation.

    Anyway just wanted to say that from what I have read, I am absolutely sure you are a wonderful daughter (and carer) and that you mustn't be too hard on yourself! You are doing everything in your power to make sure that your mum is comfortable and safe so please do not think otherwise.

    Sending some (((hugs))) your way, best wishes, Love Sharonx

  • FormerMember

    You seem to be doing all the right things. We got a baby monitor too and they worked really well. The nurses should keep an eye on her too...... try not to worry too much. thinking about you. jackie