Sunday September 5th - Mum couldn't get out of bed this morning!

1 minute read time.

Here I am again in panice mode!  Back to work tomorrow and mums legs, and arms, seem to have got really weak in the last few days.  She is also sore from her fall on Friday night.

This morning mum came into my room and woke me up at around 8.30am, once I'm asleep I hear nothing!  She was soaking with sweat and asked if I could come and help her get dressed.  It turned out she'd been trying to get out of bed for 30 minutes.  She had been shouting on me and I hadn't heard her, some carer!!!  Each time she tried to get up her arms wouldn't push and she kept falling back onto the bed.  She had eventually got herself sitting but it had then taken her ages to stand up, the bed is pretty low.  She was so upset and I feel so guilty that I didn't even hear her shouting on me to help her!

We are pretty sure it's the steroids that are causing this and she is hoping to be off them within the next 3 weeks as they are being reduced every 10 days but she seems to be getting progessively weaker so quickly that I am really worried about leaving her alone.  Gillian, my friend from next door who mum thinks of more like a daughter, is at home tomorrow so I know she will keep an eye but after that mum will be on her own from about 7.30am until 4pm.  I think I'll ask Christine, mums nurse, if she can visit mum and just see what she thinks.  The problem is I'm not sure there is anything that can be done.  My nerves are shattered and I know mum is really scared, she's already  told me I'll have to get her up before I leave for work in the morning.  My boss has been so good during mums treatment etc. that I can't possibly stay at home.  People also don't undertand that even though she is NED she is still ill!  Thanks for reading my rant! XX

  • Caroline, you are an amazing carer. You need  to sleep you know. Perhaps your mum was not calling out very loud therefor you could not hear her. Janice's idea of the baby monitor is brilliant.

    Try this site it has some two way systems on it x x x Love and angel hugs x x x Patricia x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Patricia, hope you are well.  Bless you for adding the link I'll have a look now.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Don't feel bad you didn't hear it was a one time thing, monitors sound a great idea! The weakness could be steroids as I've been having probs, not falling, just the feeling of no strength in my legs, and chemo nurse said probably down to that. Try not to worry too much, i know, easier said than done! Encourage Mum to carry the mobile and hopefully all worry will be for nothing.

    I'm sure you're a great carer and Mum appreciates everything you do.

    Love and Hugs to you both

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    HI Caroline

    The moniter was Walk about classic advance made my tomy we got it out of argos

    hope that some help for you

    love janice xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Maxine and Janice.  Mum has just gone up for a nap.  I went up with her as she wanted to go to the loo and was worried she wouldn't get up the step to go in which is quite high.  She was right she couldn't.  How can I leave her in the house on her own when she can't even get to the toilet.  I helped her into bed and she tried to lift herself up to get back out, she couldn't!  She is so upset and I am demented knowing what to do tomorrow.  I've got the number for her nurse, district nurses and occupational therapist but can't contact any of them until tomorrow.  I just don't think I can leave her until I know she has handrails etc. that will keep her safe but I have already had so much time off work taking her to appointments etc. and my boss has been so good.  I've just been off for 6 weeks and I don't think my boss would appreciate me saying I can't go in tomorrow.  I just don't know what to do.  I've got myself into a real state over this.  My head is bouncing and I feel all panicky!  It's at times like this when I wish I wasn't an only child and that I lived nearer other family who would be able to help.  I should be planning my lessons for this week now and I just can't focus.  What a mess!