Sunday October 3rd - Another lovely morning with mum!

2 minute read time.

I arrived at the hospital at 8.10am this morning and was in time to help her with her breakfast.  After breakfast I took her to the bathroom and have her a good wash before getting her dressed.  I then took her out for a cig, it was pouring down but we have a little sheltered area where we sit at the back of the hospital and it was very mild.  We then went to the cafe and had a coffee before going back to the ward to watch some TV together.  She also rung my aunt and uncle and had a good blether to each of them.

After I had given her lunch I took her for another cig and then took her back up to the ward and put her to bed for a nap at about 12.30pm.  I told her I was going home to move the furniture ready for her bed arriving tomorrow and also that Naomi and Dave would be to see her at 2.30pm.  Naomi text me at 2.15pm to say they were at the hospital amd mum was sound asleep so what should they do.  I told her to wake mum as she was looking forward to seeing them all.  Joe, Thomas and Freya had all made her a card each last night when they had a sleepover at Gillians.

I'm hoping mum is quite alert as I want the kids to see the Jean they know rather than a confused old lady.  I think she'll be fine.  A couple of things are concerning me about mum.  The first is that she hasn't had a bowel movement for quite a few days.  I spoke to the nurse yesterday and explained that as mum has diverticulitis she is either running to the loo or very constipated.  I also explained that she had a haemeroid and that it was bleeding because she was constipated.  She told me they had noticed the blood and had put sudocrem on her bottom (neither use nor ornament to be honest)  The nurse also said she would get mum some movicol or lactalose.  Today mum was still constipated.  Her bottom is really sore and bleeding.  I spoke to another nurse who has said she will get her some movicol and some anusol (much better) so we'll see.  I am going to take movicol back with me as well as some anusol and if nothing's been done I'll sort it myself.  Some of these nurses are just a disgrace.

The other thing that concerned me was that she asked me this morning what my dad was making for my tea tonight.  My dad died when my mum was only 47, she is now almost 75!  This came as a shock as she didn't seem confused.  I reminded her that dad had died years ago and she said 'what am I like, I just forgot' then proceeded to ask me what I was making for dads tea.  Immediately she said it she said 'there I go saying it again I don't know what's wrong with me!'  I wonder if she's just been thinking about dad when she's on her own?

However, even with these concerns, I have had another lovely morning with mum!

  • FormerMember

    hello caroline, constipation could be making your mum confused, the nurses need to step on this quick smart ,especially if shes sore too ,it may be worth suggesting some cavilon spray or cream as is amazing stuff,

    i havent been able to pm u as had lots of issues myself and with website ect, but im around again now, if you need anything you know where i am,

    its so lovely to hear you both having lovely times , love and hugs to you all jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline I havent commented on your blogs before but I do read every one and have been following your mums cancer journey from when you first joined the site.  I bet you cannot wait to get mum home where she belongs so you can give her the care she deserves.  It will be hard but you will cope and when you look back in years to come will be proud of yourself that you did.  As a cancer patient myself it is quite unsettling when you read stories of lack of care and compassion from medical staff.  On the other hand it prepares you for it and its definately made me think hard about what I want to happen to me and how I want to be treated when the time comes.  I wish you all the best with getting mum home and I will keep reading

    Chrissi xx

  • FormerMember

    Yeah Jen I know how important it is to sort out mums constipation and that's why I'm sooooo P****d off with the way the nursing staff have ignored it.  Tonight I took in a movicol and gave it to mum.  I also took in her xyloproct cream and put that on her bottom.  When I asked the nurse if it was ok to give mum the movicol the nurse just looked at me and said 'yeah if you want'.  I have highlighted this problem for 3 days now and each time I have been told they would do something about it.  What have they done?  Given her sudocrem!  I ask you!  Chrissie, thanks for commenting.  You are absolutely right I can't wait to get her home.  She was so fed up when I left tonight because for some reason she had got it into her head that she was coming home tonight.  I spoke to the nurse about the meeting with the social worker tomorrow and they told me they hadn't contacted the social worker yet but would ring tomorrow and tell them I want to talk to them.  They even asked why I wanted to see the social worker.  Can you believe that!?!  I pointed out that I didn't but seemingly had to before I could take mum home.  I have made it clear that this needs to happen tomorrow and if things aren't sorted by Tuesday I'll take her home anyway!  Unbelievable!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I'm glad your mum is so much brighter and you can enjoy some special moments together.  I hope you manage to see the Social Worker tomorrow and everything is put in place for mums return home.  How exciting, I remember I was so excited when mum was coming back home and was told they would ring me when she left!  Hell, she arrived home and I hadn't even been told - I was livid!!!!  Hope your mum gets her constipation sorted soon, your right, that cannot be left and movacol is pretty good stuff isn't it, so, the problem should resolve soon.  

    Take care and look forward to hearing that mum is home.  Don't forget to look after yourself too eh.

    Lots of love

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember


    I think you are right when you say that  your Mum may be thinking about your Dad when she's there alone. I'm sure she thinks about a lot of things, especially as most of the staff seem to still be ignoring her needs! It'll be a good job when you are able to get her home, but - eager though you both are - please don't do it without the support, or at least most of it, in place. Trying to have the support put in place is sometimes difficult, but I know you'll do the right thing and make as much fuss as is needed to get it all sorted to have your Mum back home.

    Love and hugs to you and your Mum and am praying for a good outcome with the hospital bed. Rose x x x