Sunday October 31st - I'm in bits!

1 minute read time.

Woke up this morning at 5.40am and decided I might as well get up and start to put the house to rights.  During the, almost, 12 months of mums illness I realised I have let things go and my mum was so house proud that I know it must have upset her that her rigorous regime of cleaning had gone to the wall.  I decided yesterday I would start with the kitchen and work my way through the house systematically.

I began emptying and cleaning the cupboards yesterday and set to with a vengeance again this morning.  I've just stopped to have a coffee, felt fine one minute and was in floods of tears the next.  I can hardly see to type this.  I love this house and mum was always happy here, it was the place we were meant to be but now it just feels so empty.

Yesterday my uncle phoned to ask how I was because my auntie must have told him I'd been upset.  He told me that I would be ok and that, in time, I would feel more free!  I wouldn't have to think about someone else anymore.  I know he was trying to help but I don't want to feel more free or not to have to consider someone else anymore!  I just want my mum back!  I'm almost 50 years of age and I need my mum! 

  • Caroline, it really does not matter how old we are, in times of distress we always want out mum. I have seen old ladies of 90 calling for their mum. It is heartbreaking. I am so proud of you  for trying to get the house in order. I am still struggling to do just that 20 months on.

    Your uncle was probably trying to be helpful with what he said but his timing is perhaps a little but off.

    Take care Caroline, don't wear yourself out.

    Love and angel hugs x x x Patricia x x x

  • FormerMember

    Big hugs to you hun xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Caroline, no words make this any easier but we are all around to help one another through the bads days.

    Your mum, like mine, was fiesty and fun and they would not want us to be sad, but sometimes our grief just needs an avenue and tears give us a little release. I do believe that your mum is still with you at home, just in a different way, and you will always have all your wonderful memories that will make you smile again someday, even if just now you feel like your smile has deserted you. Love and ((((hugs)))) Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline, sending you huge hugs. Please don't push yourself too hard with all the cleaning, etc - you need time to rest at this difficult time. Thinking of you, Val XXX