Sunday October 31st - I'm in bits!

1 minute read time.

Woke up this morning at 5.40am and decided I might as well get up and start to put the house to rights.  During the, almost, 12 months of mums illness I realised I have let things go and my mum was so house proud that I know it must have upset her that her rigorous regime of cleaning had gone to the wall.  I decided yesterday I would start with the kitchen and work my way through the house systematically.

I began emptying and cleaning the cupboards yesterday and set to with a vengeance again this morning.  I've just stopped to have a coffee, felt fine one minute and was in floods of tears the next.  I can hardly see to type this.  I love this house and mum was always happy here, it was the place we were meant to be but now it just feels so empty.

Yesterday my uncle phoned to ask how I was because my auntie must have told him I'd been upset.  He told me that I would be ok and that, in time, I would feel more free!  I wouldn't have to think about someone else anymore.  I know he was trying to help but I don't want to feel more free or not to have to consider someone else anymore!  I just want my mum back!  I'm almost 50 years of age and I need my mum! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, this journey is so hard, and even though its a good few years since my mum left, the whole she left never dissapears, but they never leave us as they are always in our hearts..Take care and on a lighter note my kitchen needs a deep clean if you fancy

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Nothing for me add really - its all been said - just wanted you to know another of your friends is thinking of you and always ready to listen or support in anyway I can.

    Love and Hugs

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    oh dear Caroline, people mean well but can say the wrong thing.

    You never too old to need a parent and your home must feel empty without your mum. These feelings you have a natural and we do understand, its loss, its unfair and its not the same.

    You are doing the right thing in talking about it in your blog and never be afraid to share your feelings, we are here to support you, either by you venting in chat in writing about it here!. If you need company then call on a good friend -people will want to help they just dont know how.

    kind regards


  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline, hope the cleaning is is showing some lovely clean areas your mum would be proud of.  We all need our mums, no matter how old we become and your sheer sadness popped out at me.  Get that cleaning done girl, your mum will be looking down on you with delight that your home is getting back to itself and have a glass of wine or cup of tea in her honour when its all done.  I cannot take your pain or loneliness away Caroline but I feel for you and wish you strength to get through each day.  God bless, Annie x

  • FormerMember

    oh caroline , ive not been around for a bit as felt i needed bit of break for various reasons,but  i have been thinking of you lots , i know how painful this is and am always here if you need me ,huge hugs jen xxxx